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futuregeneration t1_jdz5dab wrote

Reply to comment by ShadyAdvise in RVA vs. Evernest by harpervn

You're a foreign land investor? No wonder everyone is struggling with housing.


ShadyAdvise t1_jdz62ei wrote

I am an American citizen. You not addressing the two points I made above and instead trying to make the focus that I am a foreigner tells me everything I need to know. The saddest part is I'd guess that angle isn't even you. You strike me as the type of brother that would loudly and publicly denounce xenophobia, yet in an attempt to hurt me you turned to the same ideology - oh the hypocrisy...

Stay blessed my brother, if you ever need temporary housing assistance, message me


futuregeneration t1_jdz85o3 wrote

So you were saying you weren't free to come here? You weren't free to divest from your native country? You seem to have been able to do that.