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oursisfury t1_je1bn6n wrote

Reply to comment by mehkmonet in RVA vs. Evernest by harpervn

If you haven't already, send Dodson this language and tell them your intent to file a tenant assertion within 30 days if your lack of running water isn't fixed. If you've already written to them (in writing, no phone calls or verbal discussions), this 30 day clock may have already started ticking.

If the time comes and goes and they still haven't fixed it, you can start paying your rent to the court through an escrow account until they do fix it, and you may be able to force them to pay any costs you've incurred as a result of their negligence. This will get their attention.

This is the nuclear option and I'd expect them to not be happy and more likely than not refuse to renew your lease, but it's an option.