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PM-me-your-moods t1_jdpw5x5 wrote

This is a bit uncharitable, but this is my read [edits by me]. I'd feel the same if a county supervisors finance committee met with mafia bosses.

>The focus is more on how can we help as community leaders. Exploring Transportation [to and from church before/after-school care], [church-based] after school programs, reading programs [that choose readings consistent with Biblical teachings], mentorship programs [to foster leaders in Christ], internet hotspots [provided at our church] during Covid when some families didn’t have internet, etc.


dr3music t1_jdpyc9i wrote

I see what you’re saying but To clarify:

Transportation: they had a bus driver shortage and wanted the word out to fill the vacancies. Those with large congregations could make big announcements at service.

Reading programs: read to/with elementary school kids falling behind in reading during lunch.

Mentorship programs: non Christian orgs looking to put the word out to get more volunteers from churches

Hotspots: you’re correct in that Some churches did discuss their doors open during the week to allow students to come in an access classes/homework.


dr3music t1_jdpzma7 wrote

& I forgot - for After school programs: I don’t remember anything concrete from that but for all programs, they did mention the falling test scores and behavior challenges a lot from the “changing demographics” at some of the schools. (I’m black and am right at home working with the inner city schools that are mainly black and Hispanic- but that’s the political way to say it I guess?) Seemed that the programs that would solicit help from us mainly focused on improving those problems. The success of the programs? IDK…they weren’t mine. But - it does seem that they are looking for answers & exploring outside of the school system for support.