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lightningdave14 t1_jd8mvbt wrote

Never been, just know its reputation as kind of pricey and old school. I give them kudos for recognizing that area won't really support the business model anymore and am interested to see what they try in the space - it's definitely an anchor in the Arts District!


Horror-Antelope4256 t1_jd90l8x wrote

Thats two empty restaurant spaces on the same block now, with Saison closing as well. Excited to see what comes next


CopOnTheRun t1_jd97t8i wrote

There's already a restaurant in the works to replace Saison.

I never really went to Max's but I was around the area a bunch it didn't often seem that busy. I do hope something Saison-esque pops up in the Max's space though.


birdleash t1_jda3m2f wrote

Oh, awesome! I had been getting so sad walking by and seeing the space getting cleaned out. Glad to know it won’t be empty long.


Beautiful-Kale7887 t1_jd8plsm wrote

It's a cool space. I went last month, was a tad disappointed in the food given the nice ambience. Looking forward to seeing what's next there.


No_Travel19 t1_jd907tk wrote

Great location but was a mess all around. The place was huge, the menu was overpriced, the format was dated, and the food was bleh


eats-the-bread7717 t1_jd8y92e wrote

Even if I don’t particularly love a restaurant, it makes me so damn sad to see another Richmond restaurant close. And it’s happening so often these days. Bummer


revel911 t1_jdce3vn wrote

It’s not closing vs rebranding …: happens


fusion260 t1_jd8rrta wrote

I'm a little sad but mainly for the older memories of when I enjoyed going to Max's on Broad.

The last three times I went (years ago), there was grit in the mussels both visit and I'd tend to get my meal like 5-10 minutes after everyone else got theirs. Two of those visits, I complained and they said they'd make me a new batch. Well, I just got new batches of grit.

Obviously, I know mussels basically thrive in and around grit, but I also know how to clean and rinse them when I make em myself at home and I never get grit when I do it.

The third time I just accepted it as "normal for Max's now" and we didn't go back after that. :/


ZephyrInfernum t1_jd921y0 wrote

They probably weren't purging their mussels. In addition to scrubbing the outside of their shell, good restaurants will soak the mussels in clean salted water to get them to open up and move clean water through them.


fusion260 t1_jd95euh wrote

Right. Sort, soak (purge), de-beard, rinse/scrub, steam.

At the time, I figured that they kept running out of previously filtered mussels by the time I ordered them—thus the extra wait while everyone else got their food—and it was just a constant game of cutting corners. Except it kept happening and I gave up. I can only do so much understanding as a customer.

Now, I figure they were just cutting corners and betting on a calculated risk that only some people would complain about the sandy crunch between their teeth while the rest would be too nice to say anything 🙄 Except I don't pay to have sand in my mouth.


ZephyrInfernum t1_jd9ewml wrote

You and I would get along.


Danger-Moose t1_jd9ojx7 wrote

Lol, you'd probably walk into his kitchen and tell him it's filthy and then get asked to leave.


fusion260 t1_jd9q3ho wrote

I have a cat and they get on the kitchen counters when I'm not in there in search for food! 😼

But I also wipe down my counters with Lysol wipes before cooking and watch him like a hawk when preparing food.

So far, zero reports from friends and family (or me) of foodborne illnesses from my kitchen in all my years 🤞🏻


Danger-Moose t1_jd9qn58 wrote

I'm calling a health inspector.


fusion260 t1_jd9si73 wrote

I know where you live and I know how to drop off delicious leftover food that has been kept in the danger zone for a suspicious (but still safe) amount of time!


ZephyrInfernum t1_jd9y2zn wrote

I can't remember if I said this to you before, but I don't hold a home kitchen to the same standards as a commercial volume kitchen. The commercial kitchen by nature of it's volume has a higher likelihood of foodborne illnesses and so extra precaution must be taken.

At home, just like u/fusion260, my cats get on the counter and it's no big deal after a Lysol/Clorox wipedown. at least we actually wipedown our counters, which is more than I can say for Hobnob.


WhoCaresBoutSpellin t1_jd8tgrt wrote

I used to love here when they first opened. I haven’t had a chance to go in years. Sad it’s shutting down.

They had an awesome European beer selection on tap. Gonna miss the peeing Belgium boy tap handle


ExpensiveSyrup t1_jdacubw wrote

Is there a close date? Didn’t see one in the article. Want to hit it one last time just for sentimental reasons. I did read the article, don’t see a date mentioned.


KevharbRVA t1_jdhscp3 wrote

We went before catching a play at the rep and everything about it was bad to mediocre at best. It was our family Christmas outing and I felt I’d let the side down. Shouldn’t have trusted the Yelp ratings.


Crumblebeezy t1_jd9xdd1 wrote

I had thought they were amazing the first time I went and had the Waterzooi, then I realized that everything else on the menu just paled in comparison. Shame, I would have liked to try it again, but I’m planning on replicating it at home myself.