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meskigski t1_je1qe1p wrote

Pho at Pho Thein Phat! Number 15... Tai. I use it for hangovers, sickness, and even when I "think" I'm starting to get sick.


BeetsMcGee t1_je33neh wrote

Yep! Make it super spicy, then put your face over it and breathe in the steam like in Crocodile Dundee!


BlueHeelerChemist t1_je55cte wrote

Came here to say Pho Thein Phat. My favorite pho joint. I miss living close by, but will still always make the trip whenever a friend suggests it.


meskigski t1_je5crl2 wrote

Same, I'm in louisa now and everytime I'm in short pump I make a visit to pho thein phat 2