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pmcrvc t1_je2mbf4 wrote

Pho So 1 on Broad


StarGraz3r84 t1_je4b27u wrote

I just ate there for the first time 3 days ago, and I don't get it. Got my order wrong, got the person behind me order wrong, got the person across from me order wrong, and there was maybe 10 people in there. On top of that, I didn't really think the phò was all that great. Idk. Maybe I'll give it another go. Maybe I caught them on a bad day.


callthewambulance t1_je4x1im wrote

That's odd, I've been there probably several dozen times over the past few years and not once has my order been wrong. Like you said, you probably caught them on a really bad day.


StarGraz3r84 t1_je4yaln wrote

Service was super nice and I know people love it there.


grahamwhich t1_je2zk8e wrote

This is by far my favorite pho I’ve had in the city.

I miss the Vietnamese food in the twin cities… :’f