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fusion260 t1_jeetka2 wrote

Reply to comment by fusion260 in Personal Property Tax by kristinatsarina

Oh! And when I moved to Henrico in 2016 and updated my registration, Henrico was on the ball and had me on record within weeks of moving here.

Richmond, on the other hand, continued to bill my leased car originally signed when I lived in Richmond, for two years after I returned it to the dealer. Then, because Kia Financing refused to pay taxes for a car I didn't have (and didn't notify me since that account was closed), and they probably sold to someone else, Richmond found my Henrico address and sent me collections notices for two years of back taxes... for a car I didn't have.

Took over six months to get them to finally knock it off and cancel the collections agency's account for me. I had to send them multiple copies of me returning the car to the Kia dealer and that I had been living in Henrico (and had that and my new car registered there) the entire time they were trying to collect taxes. 🤬


BureauOfBureaucrats t1_jef92fi wrote

This right here is the standard and typical City of Richmond tax experience. I initially moved to the city (Southside) because I don’t like suburbs at all.

The City of Richmond is so fucking incompetent and up its own ass I promptly moved to Henrico at the end of my lease. I hate that city’s government on a cellular level and the car tax issue was just one of several negative experiences I had in that year. Richmond City is so bad I’d rather live in a meh suburb than a shitty city.