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[deleted] t1_jdhxkzg wrote

First of all smart one, the broom is metaphorical. But you can interpret how ever you feel. Because obviously my stance was saying that roads were not being fixed or rebuilt, which is not something that a resident is allowed to do goofy. At the end of the day, areas in America can only be gentrified by white people, you simple man. If black people move to a predominantly white area, the property value goes down, when white people decide to buy up a mostly black neighborhood, the property value goes up. Argue with yourself, not facts. And they deserve to have things stolen and taken from them, simple! Whenever black people have our own systems y’all look at it as a cheap flip for profit or y’all kill the residents and burn it down (Tulsa race massacre). Y’all steal land from the beginning America and then say you discovered it. One white person wouldn’t move to a run down majority black area, if they didn’t think other white people would help buy the rest of the area and change it for their good. Y’all rely on the fact that there are more of y’all and you’ll have a higher tax bracket.