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rightatmonroe t1_jdny3ej wrote

Completed the 200 hour at Yoga Dojo. Was on the fence about it around 5 years ago, but wanted to deepen my practice. Changed careers and found the time. Absolutely worth it on a personal level. Yoga Dojo's new studio is beautiful and comfortable. The vibe is a little less "woo woo" and more "normal people" if that means anything. Some of the folks I met during training and practice at the dojo are now among my closest friends. Lauren and Adrian run an awesome studio that will help motivate you to become both a better yogi and a great teacher. Aside from the instructor and classmates' high level of practice and empathy, they also consistently bring in world class traveling teachers. When I did my YTT they had Henry Winslow (He "won" yoga that year at the world yoga asana championships. His attention to detail in cuing is incredible), a Cirque De Soleil performer, and i think Kristen Leal who wrote Meta Anatomy as guest teachers. I only taught for a short while before the pandemic hit, but the experience as a whole was very rewarding. Feel free to PM any questions, but your best bet is to pick up a 3 class pass and take a few of Adrian and Lauren's classes to see if you like what they've got going on. Good luck!


cr777cr OP t1_jdogby6 wrote

thank you so much for the detailed review! i’ve def had my eyes on The Yoga Dojo and am waiting for them to release summer 2023 details. I decided to take a gap year between undergrad and grad school, and do YTT in the meantime as i feel like that’s my calling. definitely might PM you as I’m curious about your experience !


Proper-Ad4006 t1_jdst2hl wrote

They already started their spring training and they said on their Instagram that it will be the only training they do this year :(