Submitted by latelycaptainly t3_124ubs6 in rva

My brother has been struggling with mental illness for a long time and has reached a point where he needs serious help..

He is open to going to a treatment facility, but we aren’t sure where to even start.. he’s seen a few counselors in the past but they didn’t work out for him.

Does anyone have any advice for us? What would you do for someone who is at their lowest low? He is 21 and he lives with my dad in Portsmouth, but we’re open to driving anywhere in the state where he could get help.



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RVA_GitR t1_je0xu0k wrote

Tucker Pavillon is a good resource even if you don’t end up going with them…good things and bad things about any treatment place but I’ve dealt with them personally and am better off for it. It certainly beats other potential outcomes.


ndbjbibcowbad t1_je1mhlq wrote

I second Tucker Pavilion. They will set him up with aftercare.


latelycaptainly OP t1_je1mjcs wrote

I have heard that name mentioned before. I will look into it, thank you.


_scoop_there_it_is t1_je1kqci wrote

There’s a few things- Does he have insurance? If not, have him apply for VA Medicaid. This will open up a lot of various state programs.

You can contact the Portsmouth Community Services Board, they have same day access for crisis services and should be able to point you to a community-based provider or route to substance abuse programs (if that is the presenting issue).

Depending on the level of need, I work for a mental health community based provider funded through Medicaid and might be able to point you to some more resources for the Hampton Roads area. If I can be of any assistance, feel free to DM me.


momthom427 t1_je1f5nd wrote

I’m sorry I don’t really have any good advice but wanted to say thank you for helping your brother. Wishing you (and him) much success. In my little experience, it’s a tough path.❤️


Tayl44 t1_je0vcx8 wrote

I am bumping for you.


mallydobb t1_je2j0i6 wrote

Depending on insurance or funding you might consider intensive outpatient (IOP) or partial hospitalization (Tucker offers both but there is likely one in the area your brother lives in). Both require daily travel or participation in services so commuting from Portsmouth to Richmond may not be sustainable for that.


You can also reach out to your local community services board ( and inquire about services and supports. If he doesn't have medicaid or insurance he can apply but the public health emergency period is winding down and the lessened medicaid restrictions are ending, which means some people are going to stop being eligible. There may also be local non-profits that can help but I'd suggest starting with the CSB as that is in their wheelhouse. Not everyone (esp. adults) will qualify for all services though. Some, like case management, have specific requirements and funding needs. It is a painfully broken system but if you get the right person they can help you navigate it.

If he has insurance you might call to speak to a care coordinator/navigator and see if they can make recommendations or referrals. Another option is to check out, which is a federally qualified health center, they also seem to offer behavioral health support. FQHC programs, like this one, can often be a starting point in seeking help...esp. if there is no PCP or other health care provider linked to treatment or care.


joehalltattoos t1_je4e0qg wrote

I went for vacation at tucker, it sucked at first but they all do. It helped me when I was in a super dark place. Signing yourself in helps a lot, i really wish the best for your brother. I literally just went in, no calls or anything, no insurance, not sure what would’ve happened it i didn’t make the decision that day.


hbauer923 t1_je3ldkr wrote

You can bring him into any emergency room for a psych assessment..they all operate the same for mental health and most, if not all inpatient psychiatric units assess and admit 24/7 365. Tuckers is the biggest inpatient hospital in RVA and has 7 different units that specialize in different areas of mental health. Retreat is a much smaller unit so he might get more patient-centered care there (they also have private rooms) most other hospitals he’d have a roommate. For Tuckers or Retreat admit, bring him into their ER - no appointment needed. If he doesn’t meet inpatient criteria, he will receive out patient and/or partial hospitalization resources. Source: I’m a social worker in RVA who does psychiatric assessments in the ER to determine inpatient admit vs outpatient referrals.


Miss_Marna t1_je2kud8 wrote

A friend at Yale medical told my brother to go inpatient/emergency to get a path into the system. Ended helping my nephew get what he needed faster which included outpatient ketamine and eventually ECT which has done miracles. He's 21 and way behind in college, but he's alive.


PoodleKween t1_je66qjl wrote

I second this! When I needed immediate help in NoVa, I went to the inpatient clinic at the hospital where they were able to do an assessment as well as get me an appointment with a psychiatrist quickly. Otherwise the wait for therapy was well over 2 months long.


latelycaptainly OP t1_je4grcp wrote

Thank you everyone. I’ve been reading all the comments but do not have time to respond to them all the way I would like. I’m glad I reached out on here for some answers. I will be looking into all the things you guys have suggested. May reach out and DM a few of you with questions. Thank you again, you all have been more than helpful.


Jwockyisblue t1_je25ms4 wrote

If you can find a day option, and if your brother is able to do it, he'd probably like it better than an inpatient stay.


wasntagoodidea t1_je2sg15 wrote

SAARA may be a good resource to point you to treatment centers ( They mainly deal with substance abuse issues, but I imagine they can point you to various centers.


ThickumsMagoo t1_je3b56s wrote

If it comes to hospitalization, my wife has bipolar and has had a stay at a number of them.. she has heard that retreat Dr’s hospital is the best. She also has experience with VCU which was not the worst. The psych ward won’t heal anyone, but it can stabilize, and sometimes more importantly provide supervision. Good luck!


DeannaZone t1_je3rpq9 wrote

Unique Holistic Care and if they are unavailable I suggest using
Also thank you for reaching out, supporting your family member, and looking around, I appreciate that. We will keep you in our thoughts, I am a message away if you have any questions.
I saw family and friends go to tucker so I refuse to go there ... I went o chesterfield mental health and got treatment for a year then I was let go because I made progress but I still had some issues so someone introduced me to Unique Holistic Care, I started March of 2020 and the team is amazing.
As someone who has had to deal with medical situations, look on the back of the insurance card and find the Mental Health services line or Nurse 24/7 line to assist you, if those do not provide, then the first two I mentioned above u/latelycaptainly


CapWV t1_je7ujtg wrote

If your brother indicates that he may be a threat to himself or others please get him to an ER immediately for safety. They will assess him, keep him safe and get him placed where he needs to be. Otherwise, great suggestions on here.