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dontblowupthespot t1_je53v0j wrote

Rumor has it, somebody within the Brambly park organization made a formal request a to CSX to stop running freight at peak buisness hours 😂


softyK t1_je56qog wrote

Can’t fix shortsightedness. One of my main reasons of coming is so my son can see the trains.


PuffinDaisy t1_je7ak2q wrote

That's like those people that move into new housing developments near a racetrack


_MellowGold t1_je5ek09 wrote

how cute. this person has never tried to deal with a railroad before. they answer to no one.


forrestbeach t1_je6u12k wrote

The most Richmond thing I’ve ever heard. Open up establishment in former industrial area to take advantage of “shabby southern urban aesthetic” and then complain about the reality of said aesthetic.


bkemp1984Part2 t1_je8lhlq wrote

I think a lot of Richmond's recent growth is from people who want all the benefits of a city but a sanitized version with none of the downsides. The "I pay a lot to live here" attitude.


DJConwayTwitty t1_je5ubvp wrote

If that’s true that is hilarious. Railroads can do whatever they want.


loptopandbingo t1_je7mdfu wrote

>Railroads can do whatever they want.

Always have. Always will.


ChunkyFart t1_je6bdfd wrote

Oh no! The consequences of their actions! Opening a outdoor venue next to tracks and not wanting trains! No one saw this coming