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Canard427 t1_iqrd730 wrote

22 years in the industry, 12 here in Richmond. It's a problem here there and everywhere. The article is sugar-coated honestly with how bad the industry can be.


Rs90 t1_iqrfl5t wrote

Yep, workin for a lil over 10yrs in the industry and job hopped quite a bit. There are some god awful places in Richmond. Little to no training, skeleton crews, vindictive managers, managers that cuss employees out, managers that throw shit, absolutely clueless fuckin managers, shit pay, long hours, constantly changing menus/order of operations, unsanitary conditions, bad food storage, not dating anything, mixing old product with new, total lack of safety/communication, and a constant push to make workers do more with zero raises or hiring the appropriate amount of people to cut down on labor.

I love my work but the industry has pushed me to seek pursuing higher education and leaving the industry. It is exhausting and the amount times management turns an easy job into a shitshow. My prep job is hard work but it's so much better than easy work MADE hard. Which is a massive issue in restaraunts. Easy work made difficult and becoming mentally exhausting day in and day out for low wages.