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pocketdare t1_iufmk69 wrote

I too am an old guy but also a horror fan. So naturally recognized it immediately. Amazing and awful memories of this movie from when it first came out. Had to go read the Hellbound Heart shortly thereafter.


oldguy_on_the_wire t1_iufneog wrote

My elder son and his gf are both big horror genre fans. Halloween is, after all, the best holiday, amirite? Younger son and his wife are okay with the genre, but not huge fans, just average.

Heh, I was scared back in the 50's by a couple of films, Attack of the Mole People and The Blob. AotMP was the worst because outside the theater we saw it at they were putting in new telephone poles. So there was a line of holes with mounds of dirt around them that were identical to the ones the Mole People had been using. I was brave and all that crap, but I rapidly moved to the far side of my parents and brothers away from them, let me tell you! LOL


loptopandbingo t1_iugehdy wrote

>Halloween is, after all, the best holiday, amirite?

Whole hearted YES to that.

Tldr; Halloween is great

If you're a kid, you get to wear costumes and get candy and run around your neighborhood. If you're a teenager, you get to run around in dark clothes and generally raise hell on mischief night. If you're in your 20s, you're in a costume getting hammered with everyone else. If you're a parent, you're taking your kids trick or treating or letting them run around the neighborhood like you once did, or you're giving out candy, or both. If you're not a parent, you're going all out with your free time and making a dopeass Halloween house. If you're old, you get to give out candy and be spooky as hell, and reminisce about your glory days going around in costumes, getting candy, raising hell, getting hammered, growing up, and becoming old, and continuing the cycle. It revels in Death, but also revels in life and all its possibilities. It's the best holiday no matter how old you are. It's where all ages meet and the years are condensed, even more so than any other holiday.


NuttingOnNutzy t1_iufovfh wrote

Just watching the tv ads for Hellraiser terrified me when I was a kid. I had reoccurring nightmares about Pinhead without having even seen the movie