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lostmy2A t1_itsepyr wrote

If the alternative is being homeless I guess 60-70% of their income sounds fair, no? /s


[deleted] t1_itsfvaz wrote



lostmy2A t1_itsilbd wrote

Youre just a miserable cunt aren't you


[deleted] t1_itst0pu wrote



saltyyellowcracker t1_itsz67h wrote

What does a housing market cartel have to do with workers owning the means of production? Or is it just that you have no clue what socialism is, and it’s just a trigger word for you?


lostmy2A t1_itt9omv wrote

Corporate socialism is so hot right now. Sounds like something you'd be into. You should check it out.


LostDefectivePearl t1_itub8ct wrote

Do you think you’re the only person here who isn’t a socialist? You’re just the only fucking brain dead idiot here who doesn’t understand that a cartel of price fixing is not capitalism


dogwithab1rd t1_itsrjvc wrote

There IS nowhere cheaper. I already tried. I hauled my shit 3 hours south to Roanoke and I'm miserable. It was supposed to be "cheaper" and it isn't. Where the fuck else are people like me supposed to go? I shouldn't have had to leave my goddamn hometown, that I adore, in the first place. Not to mention, if people leave in droves, it'll just raise the rent in other cities due to population boom. Reality 101.


sagegreen69 t1_itt0yzd wrote

Come to Cburg. I pay less than $400 for my share of rent, local fastfood is hiring for 29k per year. That's 17% of income on housing if you work 40 hours.


dogwithab1rd t1_itt3egz wrote

Hello from Blacksburg! 😁


sagegreen69 t1_itt4fqq wrote

Howdy neighbor!

Bburg is expensive and more so now than when I first moved from rva. We moved to cburg for the cheap rent and although I seriously miss the bburg community events and parks, I can now afford to save. Hoping to move back to rva eventually. I hope you make your way back too if that's what you want! Rva is special.


dogwithab1rd t1_itt5ur7 wrote

Howdy! It's nice to see someone who also moved to the NRV from Richmond!

I live with my boyfriend now, and our place is actually really decent, especially given how expensive the rest of this town is. I think we pay about $850 for a 1bd? I used to live with my mom in RVA, and she now pays $1300 for a place in Roanoke. Not nearly as expensive as Richmond, but still far from ideal.

I do hope to go back once he graduates from college. I miss RVA so, so much, but Blacksburg and Christiansburg have wormed their way into my heart too. 💕


fractalflatulence t1_itug1b3 wrote

Blackburg isn’t Roanoke so lol @ “I hauled my shit 3 hours to Roanoke and it was suppose to be cheaper”

That’s like saying “I moved to Fulton because it was supposed to be cheaper than the fan… hello from Colonial Williamsburg!!”


dogwithab1rd t1_itvgn2c wrote

You think I don't know that?

TLDR, since you didn't seem to read my other comment: lived with mom in RVA. Mom moved to Roanoke. I moved in with my boyfriend in Blacksburg. I go between the two houses a lot because Roanoke is right there. I said "Roanoke" initially for simplicity, because not everyone knows what Blacksburg is.


fractalflatulence t1_itvhoce wrote

>I said "Roanoke" initially for simplicity, because not everyone knows what Blacksburg is.

and that's what I was replying to because you were implying that Roanoke is not cheaper than Richmond.

The average rent in Roanoke is $895/month for a 1bdrm apartment. In Richmond it's $1,395 ... 150% as expensive.


dogwithab1rd t1_itvkc6d wrote

You're right. That right there is why I told her to consider Roanoke. However, she has a 2bd, and there's a million other things that make it complicated. It's really not that much cheaper with her circumstances. There's a countrywide crisis. It's just particularly bad in Richmond, which is why we left.


fractalflatulence t1_itvlqgu wrote

Maybe you should avoid making general statements when you're really only talking about you mom's specific scenario...ignoring for a second that saying roanoke and meaning blacksburg isn't something any normal person would just assume off the bat.


dogwithab1rd t1_itvo09y wrote

Just a question, what do you gain from arguing with me about this? Like, why does it matter? Why must my statement about Roanoke (and yes, I mean Roanoke, not Blacksburg) vs. Richmond be criticized because I... go between both towns and didn't specify the ins and outs of my exact living situation? 🤦‍♂️


[deleted] t1_itstwr2 wrote



dogwithab1rd t1_itt2z3a wrote

A friend of mine was living in a rental that was "affordable", but didn't have running water for several weeks. Are those really the conditions you think we deserve to live in? It's not a matter of "disliking" it, it's a matter of it being literally hazardous. Which is its' own problem, honestly. And regardless, we deserve to like where we fucking live.

And if you really didn't "care about my hometown", would you be in the Richmond subreddit getting downvoted to the 7th level of hell for being a landlord bootlicker?


[deleted] t1_ituex2o wrote



tastysnake667 t1_itugjkr wrote

Uh that’s like $3500 a month , I’m sure that’s not true at all.


tastysnake667 t1_ituh7gh wrote

Said nothing about two people. But