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CottierDisinflations t1_itsf2ud wrote

Housing isn’t really a ‘I’ll do it if I can afford type of thing.’ It’s kind of necessary for survival.


[deleted] t1_itsux0a wrote



Ditovontease t1_itu54ky wrote

No one owes you shit for buying up properties and renting it out ABOVE market rate. Like what the hell is wrong with you


[deleted] t1_itug7he wrote



Richmond92 t1_ituibul wrote

You’re describing a libertarian lala land that does not exist and has not existed since the era of the Great Depression. And I don’t think I need to tell you why the Great Depression happened. If you had actually taken the “Econ 101” class you’re touting in this thread, you might have learned about cartels, market manipulation, and monopoly capitalism. These cartels are not abiding by some natural law of “supply and demand”. They have collectively taken control of the market such that they no longer need to abide by “supply and demand” economics.

Telling someone to “just move somewhere else” is the sort of argument a 16 year old libertarian kid makes when people start making points about the limits of unregulated markets. These 16 year olds have never had families or maintained jobs beyond 6 months at the baskin robbins. There is far more nuance to the economic landscape than the maxim of “supply and demand”, principally because that maxim doesn’t remotely reflect upon how the real world works.


[deleted] t1_itsg3bx wrote



MrSpankers69 t1_itsjqg2 wrote

Yea dude literally every other first world country has some sort of rent regulation set up and they’re doing fine lol


Charlesinrichmond t1_itv342i wrote

no, not fine. Read up on how long people wait to get housing. Or look at the great american success stories in New York City and San Francisco, which are known for being cheap easy places to get rentals thanks to 80 years of regulation... oh wait a minute.

Basically this is entirely wrong. Google it. Or read Paul krugman, a left economist, on why it's idiotic


plummbob t1_itskjdh wrote

There are widespread shortages as a result. Wait lists are famously long in places like Munich or Stockholm where wait periods can be nearly a decade.


RVA_Beach t1_itskem4 wrote

Yeah and when everybody “moves somewhere cheaper” who the fuck is gonna work at all the places that make a city function?


predicktable_x t1_itsunh2 wrote

Where is it cheaper?


[deleted] t1_itsur3b wrote



predicktable_x t1_itsvjbz wrote

No, actually it is pretty much the same 15 minutes away in all directions. 😆 The rent is too damn high.


saltyyellowcracker t1_itszbti wrote

Not true. I looked at apartments in Chester instead of Richmond, and it was cheaper by maybe 50 bucks. Come back when you’ve lived in the real world and not your mother’s basement.