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[deleted] t1_itkljxr wrote



gravy_boot t1_itkw50t wrote

Don’t you make me choose between financial ruin and rooting for the Houston Astros.


ifweweresharks t1_itklrvg wrote

If that financial crisis could wait until we sell our house, that’d be great


Asterion7 t1_itl35em wrote

But on the plus side...we would probably get another episode of always sunny about the Phillies winning the world series.


chxfriednightmare t1_itlec2v wrote

As a person who doesn’t pay attention to sports, my first and only thought when seeing that the Phillies were playing was « I hope they win so we get a new episode ft green man »


megachickabutt t1_itkv0si wrote

.... still waiting for the punchline for this joke... It is a joke... right...?



melexander16 t1_itkx2gp wrote

Thank you for giving me a reason to watch the World Series it’ll be fun!


Ms-Pamplemousse t1_itl7ktz wrote

To be fair, it's probably going to happen anyway since the "worker" class started getting too many ideas about fair wages (and we can't have that), so if we're going to have a recession the Phils might as well win.


tornadogenesis t1_itlsee4 wrote

I'd rather eat my shoe than root for the cheating Astros, and I walk around Broad st in those shoes.