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Only_Fudge_1812 t1_itkvz11 wrote

Reply to comment by u_m_m_u in Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow

Well I’m going on two months of unemployment. I feel you. This job market is hard. I don’t buy the lie that “nobody wants to work anymore”, to me it seems like nobody is simply willing to hire anymore.


u_m_m_u t1_itkwnop wrote

Yea there’s plenty of part time, no benefit, $14/hour jobs out there.. but when it comes time to find the full time, benefit included, $50k/year every one calls ‘Labor Shortage!’


Only_Fudge_1812 t1_itkx0md wrote

Exactly that. When I hear that phrase used, what I am essentially hearing is “No, we simply refuse to pay a living wage”. It’s okay. They will pay.


PhoenixAshies t1_itl1pmq wrote

My FIL got let go last week after 17 years with the company. He's had a few interviews (and one today, fingers crossed!) and each one has told him he's "over-qualified."


pharmorjac t1_itl4cff wrote

Afraid to hear that for jobs - it’s probably age-ism. The person applying certainly is willing to take that job so it’s disappointing they can’t get one.


Accomplished-Pen-394 t1_itlrx68 wrote

I ended up going into temp work and I enjoy it more but the health insurance isn’t great on paper (I’m still on my mom’s)