Submitted by donteatmydog t3_yfljc3 in rva

My first Fridaily! Happy Friday everyone!

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?



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ChuckBS t1_iu3xcvu wrote

HMMM, not much. Should be a quiet weekend. Maybe going fishing Saturday afternoon. I had a dream about catching fish, which always makes me want to go try.


catmmy50 t1_iu3xice wrote

I have a wedding to go to tonight and then work the rest of the weekend


Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iu3xs0q wrote

Family Dinner Night at Southbound tonight, will be my son's first time in his costume. Hope it fits! No major plans other than that, I'm looking forward to laying on the couch paying attention to my fantasy football all day Sunday.

Got my lower neck tattooed last night and it was pretty horrendous, but I survived! Gotta go back for color next month.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iu3xv6q wrote

I recently got my saltwater license for the first time since I was a kid. Been out a few times and even when I don't catch anything, it's just nice to be outside sometimes.

That said, Puppy Drum and Rockfish are in season!


cleverocks t1_iu3xy2a wrote

A man goes to a costume party with nothing but a naked woman on his back.

"What are you supposed to be then?" the host asks.” "I'm a turtle."

"How can you be a turtle when all you've got is that naked woman on your back?" "Oh her?" He smiles. "That's just Michelle"


ZephyrInfernum t1_iu3y3gn wrote

Formula 1 free practice today for the Mexico Grand Prix. The season is basically over, the champion has been decided, constructors has been decided, but I still like vroom vroom. I also wasn't too see someone besides Ferrari or Red Bull take first (said as a Verstappen fan).


ChuckBS t1_iu3y78a wrote

That's awesome! I feel very much the same way, even if nothing happens I'm outside enjoying myself. I don't have a saltwater setup, I usually just fish the river here. I'm going charter fishing in New Zealand next year, that should be a blast


schmoopie76 t1_iu3yze1 wrote

Relax, enjoy the beautiful colors and get some sleep. It’s been a week, my dad had open heart surgery Wednesday, longest week and more to come. Thankfully he’s doing well and recovering, lucky man at 80. Lots of trips to the hospital and waiting is very tiring. Happy Friday everyone!


10000Didgeridoos t1_iu3ze0i wrote

Kickers have a home semifinal playoff game Saturday night


skinnylynnie80 t1_iu3zit1 wrote

Octoberfest at Acca Shrine Csnter tonight. The Sauerkrauts are playing, bratwurst, etc will be served.


BlueXTC t1_iu3zu4m wrote

Check from Treasury mystery solved. I had forgotten on a whim I filed for unclaimed property a couple of months ago and this was one of the claims I made. Not much but still enough to off set some of my OT shortfall.

More bulbs in the ground this weekend. Once these are in I can start clearing some of the mess out front of the house.


leywillis t1_iu3zutu wrote

Has anyone seen the pumpkin pail from McDonald's? I can't find it anywhere.


mgmgmgmgm t1_iu42qkm wrote

Making chili! Also - does anyone know of a bakery in town that will give me a sourdough starter?


RainAhh t1_iu4389d wrote

Woke up and moments later got a fraud alert. This is your PSA: do not swipe your card at the Lakeside 7/11 gas pumps. This is the second time that my information has been stolen at this place and I’m pissed.

Anyways, I have a market tomorrow in Charlottesville so hopefully that goes well! It’s a fantasy market so I’m crossing my fingers it’s fun!


upearlyRVA t1_iu43az7 wrote

I was going down to NC for homecoming but found out last night daughter has Saturday morning volleyball match. So yeah, now I'm doing that.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iu43cer wrote

I've always wanted to do some offshore and New Zealand sounds great!

The only reason I don't fish the James is because I'd like to eat what I catch. Idk about eating anything from this part of the James.


GrayRVA t1_iu43eu3 wrote

Jump on it, jump on it!

The Slate News Quiz

Hopefully that song has now penetrated your dome. You’re welcome.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iu43mxk wrote

Me too. There's several drivers that are just as good as Max or Charles, but the disparity between Ferrari/Red Bull and everyone else is insane with the new car regs this year.

I've said before in the F1 sub that I think an exhibition race would be informative where the drivers swap cars.


donteatmydog OP t1_iu43r3k wrote

Duuuude - I used that station last week and I felt super sketch! I was checking my accounts for days after.

Edit: This prompted me to temporarily freeze that card. :P


gracetw22 t1_iu44viw wrote

Just another day of trying to do some gentle parenting in the face of a kid who isn’t gentle toddler-ing. Nothing like getting slapped across the face before 8 am for suggesting someone has a funky grundle and needs changed.

May drive up to watch the Washington International Horse Show: but more likely will watch on live stream and keep working on my magnum opus billing dispute to VCU health. I’m not sure how they can just not bill for something for almost 6 months and then sprinkle in some other random items my insurance denied and fire it off to see what happens. What really chaps my ass is the “decalcification” charge for a bone marrow biopsy. I asked the billing lady on the phone if she felt like that really should be an extra service to handle the bone part of a bone marrow biopsy, and of course she was way out of her depth there but when she reread it she was like “yeah, huh, wow that sounds like it hurts…”


BrendanQ t1_iu46gza wrote

It’s my birthday weekend and i’m looking forward to cracking open my Lagavulin Distillers Select bottle, and having spicy popeyes chicken


Linusami t1_iu46qpp wrote

A woman goes to a costume party naked, except for black gloves and black slippers, Same question, "What are you supposed to be then?" the host asks.


The 5 of spades...


hikinganew t1_iu46ra9 wrote

We’re taking a mini trip out of town. Gonna be fun but I wish I had more prep time.

Other than that I’m catching up on Sister Wives. Don’t shit on me for watching reality TV. I just really need to see this man lose all of his wives. He’s such a fucking dickhead.


Arcangelathanos t1_iu48daq wrote

Started watching House of the Dragon last night. Interesting seeing the retconning of Targaryen history.

Tomorrow I'n headed out to the Williamsburg outlets and the Norfolk IKEA. Got some relatives who are going overseas and they have a specific wishlist for gifts, including knives. After I bought an IKEA meat cleaver a few years ago on a whim, I read up on their knives and discovered that despite the low price tag, it's shockingly high quality. Now they're getting IKEA knives instead of Faberware.


zensucht0 t1_iu4a1jt wrote

Finally getting to explore Woodland Heights, my new neighborhood! Woot!

Also unpacking, putting my bed together, hanging art, making multiple trips to the storage unit, making trips to target for all the crap I somehow don't have, shopping ikea or the thrift stores for furniture I don't have, and actually going to the grocery store for food. Moving sucks.


gracetw22 t1_iu4a512 wrote

I’ll check it out! I am honestly pretty ok, it’s a little phase he’s in and just need to get through it until he learns a different thing to do, but it sure isn’t my choice of activity before my cup of coffee.

I would happily pay someone to do a review of the bill- I tried a couple of the services that advertise that but the two I got in touch with don’t do anything with cancer treatment I guess, or because I’ve already paid so much this year the balance is too low for there to be any meat on the bone for them.


PhoenixAshies t1_iu4b7rj wrote

Tonight, doing our weekly dinner meetup with friends.

Doing the Bubble Run up at Meadow Event Park tomorrow with my sister and her kids (well, it'll be more like a bubble WALK for us, but still fun).

A relatively relaxing weekend after a jammed week!


SSPeteCarroll t1_iu4dawg wrote

Heading to Martinsville Sunday for the NASCAR race. Hot dogs and fast cars. Should be lots of fun!


LilWhiny t1_iu4ebpm wrote

6 hour virtual meeting with two 15 min breaks today ✌️


Herculicia t1_iu4g93a wrote

There's so much going on this weekend! Check out the weekend event thread for ideas. For me, it's the Carytown Zombie Walk, the Moon Market at Stone, and the 90's cover bands at The Camel.


PickanickBasket t1_iu4jr2g wrote

Damn, that sucks. Are they using card skimmers, or something else, do you know!? I only check for card skimmers out of habit now because of years living in NYC, where they're rampant. So far haven't met any on RVA though.


PickanickBasket t1_iu4kv47 wrote

I'm mad I'm missing out on so many good Halloween things because I have to work this weekend, but I've got relatives visiting so I'm taking Monday off to see them.


thephartmacist t1_iu4lub6 wrote

Spending the weekend working.... Hate to spend it away from the fam but I'm on deck.


Vajama77 t1_iu4oek4 wrote

Welcome! Great place to live, just make sure you lock your car doors at night. Seriously, you would not believe the neighbors who constantly complain about having their cars ransacked yet they are left unlocked. Lived here for over 15 yrs and never had a problem.


zensucht0 t1_iu4pde3 wrote

Hmmm, you must be right nearby. My neighbor across the street was just talking about how her daughters car got ransacked. At the time, my car (right across from theirs) had boxes in it, so presumably would have been a more interesting target. I don't usually keep anything interesting in my car, but if they really want a ratty ass camping chair and a USB cable I'm not going to be too put out.

So far I absolutely love this area. Thank you for the welcome!


cutejnny t1_iu4whky wrote

that's how I was watching Welcome to Plathville - when the kids started rebelling against their parents' beliefs, the parents separated and the mom started drinking I was amused


twomanyc00ks t1_iu55xi8 wrote

Working at a job that has such a bad environment that I vomit out of anxiety before going sometimes. Most of the jobs available to me as a college student pay $11 (!!!) - $15 an hour so leaving is a painful process of finding another job that can cover rent. You can't survive off that anymore. The first time I made $18 an hour consistently I felt like I had a huge quality of life improvement and that's so sad it has to be that way.


agentmadeye t1_iu58qpn wrote

We don't have much planned and the weather looks awesome. Looking forward to spending some time together as a family and enjoying the beauty that is Richmond in the fall!


Ocean_waves726 t1_iu5i0xe wrote

There should be a manual for moving into your first apartment


packedalpacas t1_iu5tl7h wrote

Lots of baking to do for the office Halloween party and haven't even chosen a recipe yet. But I do love any excuse to make sweets for people so I'm happy to spend some time on that.

Have a date tonight that I'm feeling so-so about. But better to keep expectations low for these things, right?


hipscrack t1_iu5y8vm wrote

I'm not an expert by any means, but I think they treat the decal as an additional process that's done to the biopsy. So 88305 for the bone marrow bx + 88311 for having to decal it, so they can charge for the procedure and charge for the reagent.

Hospital billing is stupid.


gracetw22 t1_iu6flax wrote

Probably, I’m just a little salty that it’s around 60k of total lab and pathology charges and they couldn’t throw in making the bone less bone-y - there are a bunch of separate charges for getting it, another one for preparing, several for all the different readings… feels like buying a new car and hearing the gas cap is an extra 50 bucks


Lue33 t1_iu80p73 wrote

I had one cashier at a gas station in Newport News, try to push a debit transaction on me. I had a credit card, and he kept saying it wasn't going through. I am not sure on this, but it seems that they can't get your info with credit cards.