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Tstewmoneybags99 t1_itnj8xd wrote

Listen I’ll try and give a better less simpler take,

I think to your first point about republicans/white nationalist/poc who want change and people understand you want change but I think they see you as getting the wool pulled over your eyes. So willing to get a better situation for your community that your not seeing the underlying reasons why charter schools aren’t any better than what you have while also opening up the door for further unforeseen issues about accreditation, curriculum, discipline that currently have some oversight. When you take that oversight out of the picture it can quickly become a much worse nepotism, favoritism, straight up don’t have the accreditation to get students into college. While you might have a massive uphill battle in RPS to graduate and culture, I think a lot of these issues that have been created are community issues on the importance of an education how much of a role the parenting has in supporting that child in overcoming the odds in school. That to me has more to do with how successful kids are than the bureaucrats on the school board.

This is where I understand that income inequality comes into play, have to work nights and weekends to provide but not help the child thrive, and honestly idk how to fix that other than pay people more, and have subsidies for parents to stay home more work less, but I also think there are plenty of jobs out there that will provide a more normal work week and pay but many people are too scared to leave a situation they have benefits at already.

So honestly when I look at this I don’t look at charter schools and say all bad and public schools as all good, but see this more as a community culture issue of family’s not valuing there kids education over there own personal desires mostly. And I mean this as a whole community, I know there are people doing 1000% to make it work and the odds are against them, but I don’t see how charter schools will honestly change anything. It’s literally the same thing schools with less oversight and less educated teacher qualifications. Like your getting the teachers from the same place, your paying them the same or less, and your dividing up the tax income to pay for it more so to me I look at it and go how is this really any different and how will it fix low income neighborhoods? Cause I don’t see it. I see something with the potential to be even more corruptible than the current public schools system.