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[deleted] OP t1_iufyjgb wrote



hardsauce88 t1_iuglxwd wrote

classic shitlib. this is why class solidarity will not be achieved in the US, because teachers pet moralists like you can't help themselves


fckredditmodslmao t1_iufzmnm wrote

There’s no way you could get enough people on board for this to ever work. If you don’t pay your rent, you’ll be evicted, and they’ll find another person within the week who needs housing and will actually pay their rent.


sessoms09 t1_iug1mhe wrote

That’s true due to differences and hate amongst us Americans.


Givn_to_fly t1_iuhhlwx wrote

God this is just like the gas increase, compared to most places in the world our inflation is low and our currency is strong. This isn’t just an American problem. It’s running rampant world wide. But sure make the problem exclusively about Americans!


Asterion7 t1_iufzxjl wrote

Rent Strike is a real thing that has worked before. But I don't think Americans have enough class solidarity to pull that off.


sessoms09 t1_iug2460 wrote

Definitely was back then even amongst the hate people definitely was down for a cause good or bad.


gurgurhh t1_iug0pb4 wrote

There are a few truthful things in your post such as “job isn’t keeping up with price of living” but I’m curious why that makes you jump to rent strike? Why not a worker’s strike?


sessoms09 t1_iug2mgi wrote

Workers strike can be a thing as well I know it works for unions.


ClockworkElves69 t1_iug2fhp wrote

If I rented my house it would be for $2000 and it was built in the 30’s. It’s simply math not some ploy to take advantage of you. My cost + some profit to provide a cushion for unforeseen maintenance costs that would eventually arise.


roid_gut t1_iug751g wrote

A more realistic strike scenario would be like if an entire building of tenants had grievances and withheld rent in escrow until the grievances were addressed. I have a soft spot for the idea of a general strike, but I don't really see that happening. I do agree with the sentiment that landlords don't really contribute much to society though, LOL.


Salty_Mycologist_314 t1_iug5ub5 wrote

My wife and I rent a house for 2K a month, everything included. With the cost of electricity, heating, cooling, taxes, mortgage, mowing the lawn etc etc I bet they are barely making any profit. It is expensive but life is expensive for everyone. I know not all rentals are like this but many of them are. Everywhere. I just came from northern New England and it is the same thing there


sessoms09 t1_iug61pa wrote

Damn didn’t know that stuff like this is happening outside the country as well and ain’t the 2k is a issue for me it’s what the place look like and the place look like it’s worth 1000.


Freseper t1_iugeokt wrote

But 2k in NE dollars is actually like $1600 US.


sessoms09 t1_iufzn4r wrote

No I’ve been paying rent for years no problem no need to accuse me of not wanting to do something you have to do especially when it comes putting a roof over my kids head. But go head and attack my free speech without properly addressing my comment with a healthy discourse.
