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LevarGotMeStoney t1_isz48e2 wrote

Do they really think spray painting them is going to work? Hard pass.

If anything, it is going to make it faster and easier for thieves to spot the cat on your specific make and model. may as well paint a giant arrow pointing to it.

No scrap metal yards is going to turn away a cat because it has paint on it, as cars from these events will eventually be wrecked and subject to scrapping.

and do you really want someone at midas just spraying away at your car with a can of krylon? overspray is a thing.


chihuahua001 t1_isz6txg wrote

Not sure why you got downvoted lol this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Literally no one buying hot cats is under the impression that they’re legit.


chihuahua001 t1_iszffpe wrote

How do you think moving stolen cats works? You show up at a legitimate recycler with a bunch of catalytic converters and the guy running the recycling place is just an absolute buffoon who doesn’t realize the cats are stolen?

No, you go to a sketchy recycler who knows he’s recycling stolen stuff.

Do you think the cops would happen upon a guy with a bunch of catalytic converters and not give him a second look unless they noticed one of the cats was painted? Even cops aren’t that dumb.


fusion260 t1_it2k7n4 wrote

> No, you go to a sketchy recycler who knows he’s recycling stolen stuff.

Gotta love an abitious fence!


LevarGotMeStoney t1_iszewu4 wrote

You're ignoring the fact that they completely skipped over step 1 in the link you provided. They're not adding any unique ID/number at midas. Just hitting you with krylon and sending you on your way.


>Literally no one buying hot cats is under the impression that they’re legit.


BurkeyTurger t1_iszgns0 wrote

While I agree with most of your comment, why would I give a shit if there is paint on the bottom of my car.


LevarGotMeStoney t1_iszierv wrote

Most people probably wouldn't. I'm a car guy though and will occasionally spend time working under my car and sloppiness like that bugs me.

Plus, if it didn't come with the car and it's not providing a tangible benefit, then why risk tarnishing my otherwise pristine car?


BurkeyTurger t1_iszo8vv wrote

Fair enough, tho mine is already pretty far from pristine lol