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princessofbeasts t1_itzarjv wrote

Unless I’m picturing the wrong area, I despise this spot. When I’m coming from the 95 side to get on the boulevard exit, people with the yield sign do the opposite of yielding. I often avoid the highway for my commute because of this spot. It’s not worth the headache and anxiety.

I’m having a hard time picturing the new traffic pattern but I have seen them doing road construction on the boulevard exit for weeks now.

Who makes these kinds of design decisions? They seem like they shouldn’t be in that line of work.


c53x12 t1_itzlobg wrote

I do the 95 south to Boulevard exit 2-3 times a week during morning rush. The people coming from 64 tend to bunch up and leave no gaps which is super annoying. The basic problem here is an exit too close to a major merge. The right solution would be a flyover ramp from 95 to cross over 64 and exit to Boulevard or maybe Westwood Ave. but that would be beaucoup expensive.


elgro t1_itzvlta wrote

I don’t think there is a yield sign coming off 64 onto 95s in that spot. It just says lane ends and shows a merge sign right before you hop on.

The reason they are bunched up like that is traffic is often backed up near the staples mill exit and traffic typically goes from 15 mph to needing to merge at 55 with no merge lane.

It’s a horribly designed highway. Honestly they either need a flying exit or to close the exit for boulevard there. The amount of cars coming on from 64 is huge.


OddWelcome2502 t1_iu45mzt wrote

I avoid it at all costs. Happy to pay a toll to avoid death trap.