Submitted by shorty_tumbleweed t3_yeq6su in rva

I came home on Tuesday during rush hour south on 95, and saw the sign for the new traffic pattern ahead, but didn't see other warnings. I was in the right lane, and the new road paint and traffic pattern is for the right-most lane of 95 south before the 64 merge/exit 78 is to JUST SUDDENLY END AND MERGE INTO THE MIDDLE LANE TO THE LEFT without signs or warnings. I know the previous pattern was for the 64 merging lane to just suddenly end, which was bad, but this also is...not good. I had to merge into the left lane carefully when I realized my lane was ending, and then had to quickly move across 2 right lanes with the merging 64 traffic to get to the Boulevard Exit.

I have a headcold and wasn't feeling great when I was driving Tuesday-did I miss a sign that the lane was ending? Is this temporary until they reconfigure this merge? I didn't come home this way yesterday because I didn't want to deal with this merge, especially with it being a new traffic pattern.

Curious about other peoples' thoughts about this new traffic pattern. I know that merge and exit is tough, but this also seems problematic.



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ifweweresharks t1_itzabn9 wrote

Haven’t seen it myself but that sounds de dumb as hell. 64E merging on there has had a sign for years that says left lane ends. Force them to merge into the right lane before it joins 95S.


ZephyrInfernum t1_itzaki9 wrote

We're talking about the "K" merge? God, what a death trap.

I've not seen the new traffic pattern, but what you're describing is what most locals do coming south on 95. You know there's going to be cars merging left joining from 64, so I always merge left in anticipation and to give them room. Exit 78 is a little soon after the merge, but not so close you have to take crazy maneuvers to get to it in time. Keep in mind the speed limit there is 55mph (though no one follows that).


princessofbeasts t1_itzarjv wrote

Unless I’m picturing the wrong area, I despise this spot. When I’m coming from the 95 side to get on the boulevard exit, people with the yield sign do the opposite of yielding. I often avoid the highway for my commute because of this spot. It’s not worth the headache and anxiety.

I’m having a hard time picturing the new traffic pattern but I have seen them doing road construction on the boulevard exit for weeks now.

Who makes these kinds of design decisions? They seem like they shouldn’t be in that line of work.


cdombroski t1_itzdkaf wrote

Except for the people that want the Boulevard exit, they (used to) stay in the right lane so they could get to the exit more easily. Especially important during morning rush hour when everyone is getting on 95S from 64/195


rockandpabst89 t1_itzdpwg wrote

The new traffic pattern extends the left of the two lanes on 64E as you merge onto 95S so that you’re not immediately merging onto 95 right as you come around the bend. It’s the exact same principal as before it just allows more time for drivers on 64 to actually zipper merge left onto 95 instead of being dumped into it. If you’re in the right lane on 95 cars would always have been merging into you from your right now there’s just more space to safely do it. I have no problems with this change


The_Kentwood_Farms t1_itzgddu wrote

This spot scares the crap out of me, I've seen the general traffic IQ of the local populace...


Ditovontease t1_itzhage wrote

I'm really bad at picturing stuff when people are talking about traffic patterns lmao but that sudden merge right before Exit 78 to Boulevard has always been like that?? Like since 2006 when I moved here.


c53x12 t1_itzlobg wrote

I do the 95 south to Boulevard exit 2-3 times a week during morning rush. The people coming from 64 tend to bunch up and leave no gaps which is super annoying. The basic problem here is an exit too close to a major merge. The right solution would be a flyover ramp from 95 to cross over 64 and exit to Boulevard or maybe Westwood Ave. but that would be beaucoup expensive.


againer t1_itzr6dh wrote

The Mad max corridor


Mike798 t1_itzsqom wrote

I too, just experienced this new pattern (yesterday). While it's definitely an improvement for the folks coming from 64E, the loss of the lane from 95S definitely needs more warning/signage.

Yes, the exit from 95S onto Boulevard is more difficult with having to cross two lanes, but at least we're not fighting so hard with the folks on 64 trying to squeeze into "our" lane. I haven't come from the 64E side, but I'm hoping there was a signage change to encourage drivers to stay left and keep folks out of the exit only lane who don't intend to exit. I suspect this may have happened since the actual exit-only lane is much more empty at morning rush hour than before this traffic pattern change.


shorty_tumbleweed OP t1_itztiqe wrote

Thank you for sharing this! This is exactly what I meant. But, there were NO SIGNS that the right lane (of the 3 on 95) ends suddenly beofre the 64 merge, unless I missed it/them. Has anyone been through to confirm there isn't a sign? I got on 95 from the Chamberlayne exit-maybe there are signs before then? Or I just missed them? I know it's a new traffic pattern, but that's especially when a sign is needed.


cdombroski t1_itztlm2 wrote

Looking at the new layout, I'm not sure why they didn't just make 2 exit only lanes for 64/195. It would make the Hermitage/Lakeside entrance a bit harder in traffic, but honestly, that entrance shouldn't be there anyhow. It should be moved further up if possible and be fully merged before all the 64/195 stuff


cdombroski t1_itztznk wrote

The final layout looks like it will have 2 lanes for the Boulevard exit, so it ends up being just one merge to the right to get off. That makes this a net positive once it's done I think


SportsStooge22 t1_itzuuee wrote

I drive it daily, they have the big mobile sign that says NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN that you mentioned, and the lane that merges has big white merge arrows painted since the first morning it was put in place. Plus that merge is super long, not sure how it caught you so off guard tbh. But hey, now ya know.


elgro t1_itzvlta wrote

I don’t think there is a yield sign coming off 64 onto 95s in that spot. It just says lane ends and shows a merge sign right before you hop on.

The reason they are bunched up like that is traffic is often backed up near the staples mill exit and traffic typically goes from 15 mph to needing to merge at 55 with no merge lane.

It’s a horribly designed highway. Honestly they either need a flying exit or to close the exit for boulevard there. The amount of cars coming on from 64 is huge.


suz_gee t1_itzwdkg wrote

I drove that this morning (coming from 64, eastbound) and didn’t notice anything different and traffic was as much as a cluster fuck as it always is. I’m suspecting most people (like me) missed all the signs and were driving like zombies this morning. There was definitely a truck with a giant trailer coming down that lane (right most lane on 95) making it extra hard for me to merge left with the 95 traffic…


shorty_tumbleweed OP t1_itzy67z wrote

Gotcha-I was in rush-hour traffic, so maybe the traffic/cars in front of me blocked the arrows painted on the road. Thank you! And you're right-now I know and will just get over to the left sooner. Thanks for your reply!


shorty_tumbleweed OP t1_itzyp94 wrote

Thanks for your reply! It's true that the Boulevard Exit lane was emptier, and it makes sense that it will be emptier once people learn the new pattern. That makes me hopeful that exiting there won't be too problematic. I appreciate your reply!


AlreadyShrugging t1_iu01msz wrote

I’ve been waiting for this improvement for over six years. It’s 1000 times better than what it was.


sleevieb t1_iu02hqg wrote

Get 95 the fuck out of city limits. Delete this shit at 295 fam. Powhite too maybe.


scubaham t1_iu0aw00 wrote

I noticed a large yellow sign 'RIGHT LANE ENDS - 1 MILE AHEAD' on 95S before there, yesterday about 3pm. I hadn't seen the sign before and I drive that stretch at least 7 days a week if not more. Saw the VDOT trucks with yellow flashing lights working on that stretch before the K-merge. I figured they were setting it up when I took the 195S exit. Thanks for the heads-up.


jennbo t1_iu0hner wrote

I hate that exit so much. I can only hope it will get better


Pjtruslow t1_iu23cag wrote

In a little bit it should be the case that the merge on 95 south is well marked, and then the boulevard exit will be a double and you only need to move over one lane to take the exit. Once they are done it will be fantastic for 64 drivers, though right now it’s incomplete and frustrating especially if you are taking 95 south to boulevard.


parrisjd t1_iu4tu2r wrote

My thoughts exactly! The way it's being done will cause people who think they are clear after that exit to suddenly need to merge. Glad 64 EB is getting a dedicated lane though, been wanting that for years.


Electro_Sapien t1_iu58c7c wrote

I am so excited about this, I have swerved around three separate collisions at that K merge. It was just an insane spot with people trying to cut through to get to the exit and cut through to get out of the exit while the lanes merge.