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Hedgecore138 t1_ir6zpi5 wrote

For a single-family home rental in that area of the Museum District, that sounds about right. My mortgage in the same area of town is decently less, but I wouldn't say significantly.

But to be paying over $200 more for a chintzy apartment when you could have a whole house...? That's nuts to me.


lizco89 t1_ir70vhm wrote

I see that her husband owns Pinky’s. I wonder if they just wanted to be in walking distance of the restaurant. Those apartments have nice features but yes, the living space is tiny


imissparagon t1_ir7eo5i wrote

I agree that having a whole house is probably a better space, but the difference in utilities/the work you have to do in the yard (which for some reason is on the tenant and not the owner) more than makes up for the $200/month


batkave t1_ir76lw8 wrote

Did you buy around 6-8 years ago? It sounds like their rent never went up either, which is insane. If it changed over the years, then nevermind my questions but if they were paying that much a month over the 8 years, crazy.