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[deleted] t1_itlfd4b wrote

Common House is all-inclusive (room rental, F&B). I've seen many weddings around $10k there. You don't need to be a member to have an event there.


MorallyCorruptBae t1_itmve5p wrote

I’m a wedding planner and can say that’s totally off base. I just pulled up an 89 person wedding I did there with very basic food and beverage and their food and beverage spend plus rental plus service and tax was $21k.


[deleted] t1_itn0idm wrote

Depends on the day of the week and time of year.


MorallyCorruptBae t1_itn0n74 wrote

Not really. Food and Bev is what it is. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Monday or a Saturday. The room rental fee was only $1000 of that since my client were members.


Gamegis t1_itnr69n wrote

Yep.. catering was the most expensive part of my wedding by far. same guest count as OP. Now we did not skimp on it, but I had alot of options presented and all of them were above 10k for catering alone. Idk how you do an all in wedding for 10k


GMUcovidta t1_itrj2u4 wrote

I talked to them too- was looking like 27-30k for a 120 person wedding as a non-member. That's when it first opened, they've likely raised prices since then.


alguev OP t1_itlhro5 wrote

Ooh I’ve never heard of this. Definitely checking it out. Thanks!