Submitted by J-Colio t3_y1rpqb in rva

Earlier tonight I was walking my dog when I saw an outrageous act of wholesomeness.

A little child was walking ahead of us by about 50 yards or so when the little boy stoops down, turns around, walks back 10-20 yards or so, and stoops back down. I'm right next to the child at this point, and he's down replacing a missing brick in the sidewalk that he picked up from ahead. The little one stands up, sees me and my dog, and politely let's me know that he likes my dog. I let him know that was a very nice thing he did, and his dad/guardian also congratulated him on doing so good!

The world needs more of you, little guy. Leave everywhere you go a little bit better than where you left it. Make the world right. Spread positivity when you can. Those little things all add up!



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jantah t1_is18i8p wrote

Need more stories like that here


boseyboseybop t1_is1h0jn wrote

And then, after that little guy gained your trust, he cut off your catalytic converter and stole an Amazon package off of your porch. I’ve seen it a million times…


Technical_Way_6041 t1_is1z0tw wrote

Nice kid but it's a shame he's doing what city workers aren't.
