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PickanickBasket t1_iuhtso1 wrote

Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam

Yes, he makes a full recovery and ends up running the hotel.


GrayRVA t1_iuhwcg0 wrote

No way! Thank you


PickanickBasket t1_iuhy6bm wrote

Haha sorry, I should have said /s.

The man's erection was super glued inside his dead paramour and they have to be transported to the hospital as-is and I don't think we ever see or hear from them again. They were just another clue to the serial killer.

The whole season is deeply visceral though- not just the gore and trigger warnings, but the atmosphere, colors and textures. It's a rough watch if you can't detach.