Submitted by TheRiverRam t3_yi7i2t in rva

I asked this on r/AskReddit, and now on here. I’m usually on the road by 5:15AM or so, and am surprised with the amount of cars already on the road. Those of you that are also on the road that early: what do you do for work, and how far do you have to commute?

For everyone else, what are you excited for this week?



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Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iuhg86f wrote

I don't leave until 8, when traffic is generally fairly heavy.

I'm working on getting sober and am trying out AA. I'm fairly familiar with the culture and basic tenets but I'm looking for secular-leaning meetings. Anyone got a good one they love? Went to one yesterday with barely a mention of God/higher power but I feel like I'll want to go to more than just one a week.

ETA: Feel free to PM me, Anonymous being a key point and all.

ETA again: thank you for all the suggestions!


shalomfromus t1_iuhhf8a wrote

Don’t know you and can’t help, but just wanted to say I’m really proud of you. :-)


bettygreatwhite t1_iuhhxim wrote

Hell yeah! Congrats on taking these steps, I’m proud of you! Sobriety is awesome. I know that VCU runs a spectrum of meetings through their Rams in Recovery program, and they are open to the public. Here is the weekly schedule and I know a good amount are hybrid so you can join through zoom. Good luck, and I’m always down to chat about sober stuff if you want to DM.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_iuhjrpz wrote

The ones at Diversity were my favorite (still sober but stopped going to AA). The Sunday morning one is great, well attended, people might mention god or higher power, but it was always more about community. Least stuffy. Really kind people. If I were to do meetings again, I’d for sure go to that one. Very, as one would imagine, diverse.


qui9 t1_iuhk9vi wrote

Maybe this isn't what you're looking for, but there's a group called Harm Reduction Works that has many virtual meetings each week. Twelve step didn't work out for me but this group has been super supportive, albeit from a distance since there aren't any harm reduction meetings in our area.


Asterion7 t1_iuhrmo5 wrote

Good on you for trying to change. Good luck.


wrenster00 t1_iui4zpf wrote

The stopdrinking subreddit is a great group too


LikeAThermometer t1_iuhh8ca wrote

Hoping the rain doesn't dampen trick or treating too much, I bought full size candy bars this year and I love seeing the kids get excited when you show up at the door with those in hand.

Going to Chicago tomorrow for the rest of the week for a work conference, the weather actually looks relatively mild so that's nice too.


Starsands t1_iuhurvz wrote

Bit of an overdue congratulations to one of our mods, u/DrGingeyy, who got married recently! Hope you're enjoying your honeymoon, thanks for everything you do here!


BlueXTC t1_iuhec0x wrote

I used to leave no later that 5 am to be in Fredericksburg by 6ish. I work with DEQ compliance and construction in the petroleum industry. It is 57 miles one way and can vary in time as Fredericksburg is the portal to hell sometimes. Now I work from home as the company decided to outsource the construction work.


bettygreatwhite t1_iuhib6p wrote

Getting my Covid booster/flu shot combo this morning and then my neighborhood is doing a little pre-trick or treat block party before taking the kiddo out.


SSPeteCarroll t1_iuhvtg6 wrote

I got mine Thursday. Fair warning I felt like trash from the time I got up until about 8 PM on Friday. Tired, not really hungry, and I was super irritable for about 4 hours.


bettygreatwhite t1_iui1pwr wrote

Ugh, yeah I heard it was brutal this go round. Thanks for the heads up!


PercyDovetonsils t1_iuitu28 wrote

I didn’t notice any issues from my booster this time, but I’m usually three of the Seven Dwarves anyway: Sleepy, Dopey, and Grumpy.


TellYourPupISaidHi t1_iuhn9xh wrote

I'm excited to give out candy to trick-or-treaters! I gave out king-size candy bars the past couple of years (my neighborhood only has like 12 kids) and I felt like royalty lol. We have a few more kids this year that have moved in and the king-size bars don't sell for $1 like they used to, so I switched to the $1 bags of sour gummy worms and sour patch kids from dollar general. I hope they like them!


spillsomepaint t1_iuho4xs wrote

My partner is on the road that early... To go to the gym🙄🤣.

I'm looking forward to an early dinner at Joe's with my parents tonight before we all head out to go trick or treating with our Queen mermaid fairy.


JustStudyItOut t1_iuhpxvl wrote

Why did someone rip out all of my morning glories overnight? I don’t get it…


MobileTough t1_iui3r7d wrote

Morning glory seeds contain LSA which is similar to LSD… could be someone trying to get a free high or someone just hates morning glories which is a shame because they’re beautiful.


Vajama77 t1_iuhwk50 wrote

That is awful. I am so sorry. One of my fears is someone coming into my yard and ripping up my vegetable garden/plants/flowers.


Pentakles t1_iui03u7 wrote

I'm so sorry! We have to bring all of our plants at the restaurant in every night because people rip all of the flowers out of the pots overnight. I have no idea what compels people to do it!!


dr_nerdface t1_iuhd9pq wrote

I don't usually have to be in at 6am, but when i do it's bc it's GBS season and life is pain. 3 more weeks of hell then things will chill out a bit, hopefully.


IntrepidDreams t1_iuhdo26 wrote


I googled, but all I saw was something called Guillain–Barré syndrome, which is apparently prettying rare.


oh_hello_rva t1_iuhezsl wrote

Haha. I think he means Gingerbread Stout (Hardywood beer).


bettygreatwhite t1_iuhi16d wrote

I definitely thought it was a mistyping of GBBS, The Great British Baking Show, and was impressed by the dedication.


GrayRVA t1_iuhknof wrote

The SO and I binged hard on horror movies/series over the weekend and we drew battle lines over whether vintage films are scary. Halloween and Hellraiser were two that I found laughable because of the shitty special effects and acting.

Question for anyone who watched American Horror Story Hotel- we didn’t make it through the first episode because of the straight up gore. Did the guy in the bed missing his eyeballs and tongue survive?


ChuckBS t1_iuhngpi wrote

Aww, I rather liked the effects in Hellraiser. On top of that it's just a fucking bleak movie, which works so well.


chappedknee t1_iuhszxf wrote

Yeah it’s an actual masterpiece. One of my favorites of all time.


GrayRVA t1_iuhto4b wrote

To you and u/ChuckBS, how old were you when you watched it? I posit that these classics are only appreciated by people who saw them as a kid.


chappedknee t1_iuidvlj wrote

Over a decade ago as a young adult. Definitely not a kid, and am certain that it isn’t only people that grew up in the 80s that agree. Clive Barker is brilliant. I mean, the scene where Frank is being rebuilt is top 5 for practical effects in a horror film, it’s so good!!


ChuckBS t1_iujb2p9 wrote

That was such a neat scene. I love practical effects.


ChuckBS t1_iuhtv06 wrote

I actually watched it for the first time this year.


PickanickBasket t1_iuhtso1 wrote

Yes, he makes a full recovery and ends up running the hotel.


GrayRVA t1_iuhwcg0 wrote

No way! Thank you


PickanickBasket t1_iuhy6bm wrote

Haha sorry, I should have said /s.

The man's erection was super glued inside his dead paramour and they have to be transported to the hospital as-is and I don't think we ever see or hear from them again. They were just another clue to the serial killer.

The whole season is deeply visceral though- not just the gore and trigger warnings, but the atmosphere, colors and textures. It's a rough watch if you can't detach.


citrus_sugar t1_iuhwdts wrote

AHS Hotel is definitely one of the goriest of all the seasons; the best episode that you could probably watch as standalone is Devils Night but still probably some good there too.


mockhouse t1_iuhezyw wrote

Around the same time, I'm on the road. At a testing center, I administer tests. 18 minutes is hardly a long drive; it might be shorter if I took another route. But given the way people are now, either choice is risky. Happy Hallow-rent's due.


Wa_wa_ouija t1_iuielnd wrote

Are we talking like the Aperture Science testing center?? How do I get that job? Lol


manyamile t1_iuhpvc7 wrote

My morning commute is pretty short.

I’m in the process of setting up a very small (human scale, no powered equipment) veggie and greens operation using regenerative agricultural methods.

We just moved to this property last week and so while this time of year is normally for planning next year’s schedule, I’m stupid busy getting plots built, fencing ALL THE THINGS, setting up vermicompost bins, and more. Busy busy!

I’m pretty excited about today despite my kids having grown out of trick-or-treating. I moderate r/HorrorComics and this time of year is always a treat.


momthom427 t1_iuhfj8x wrote

I only have a two mile commute, thankfully. I’m looking forward to seeing the trick-or-treaters tonight and also munching on the baked spaghetti I made for tonight’s dinner.


gordonglover t1_iuhlju2 wrote

I'm in Information Security. My commute is 1 flight of stairs to my office.


Arcangelathanos t1_iuhngku wrote

My office is currently about two miles away.. The lease will be up at the end of next year though and we're not sure where we're moving.

Today is our wedding anniversary. The SO is on call though so I don't know what we'll be doing to celebrate.


Ilovekittensomg t1_iuhnu49 wrote

My commute is 27 miles, unless Powhite is backed up and then it's 34. I leave before 7. I don't start work until 840. My choice is basically to leave early and beat traffic so I can kill time in the work parking lot, or I can kill time at home and spend time stuck in traffic. 2/10 do not recommend.


schmoopie76 t1_iui0r6y wrote

SAHM, my commute is mostly to the kitchen and laundry room.

Hoping to make it to friends to hand out candy and enjoy the festivities but not sure my attitude and sadness is right to be around people tonight. Ironic is Halloween as I walk around like a zombie hoping my dad get better and we get good news from the ICU.


Vapid_Ingenue t1_iuhlsp3 wrote

Leave at 5:30. Union electrician at the Henrico data center. Thirty minute commute. Work four tens and two eights


[deleted] t1_iui6rsg wrote



Vapid_Ingenue t1_iui7nn3 wrote

It's been rolling hard for the last five-ish years. Things are slowing down on this job and everyone is waiting to see ground break for buildings 7 and 8. When this job is fully staffed it's probably close to 500 union jobs. We are reasonably expecting a piece of the Diamond District work, which will wind up being years of steady work. Fingers crossed for the Lego job but it doesn't seem like we're getting it


[deleted] t1_iui81vr wrote



Vapid_Ingenue t1_iui9p7y wrote

Honestly it's a mixed bag. CWs and apprentices skew younger, but it's not unreasonable to see an apprentice in their thirties or possibly even forties. CEs and JWs are typically older simply because those classifications mean the person has been doing this job longer. There are a lot of JWs in their fifties and sixties. The skilled trades are losing more people to retirement than we're bringing in each year


PhoenixAshies t1_iuhowmz wrote

I WFH Monday and Friday, so today's commute was about 20 steps. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursdays I leave around 730 to make sure that I'm at the office downtown by 8. I don't start until 815 so I like to leave myself some wiggle room.


suurahh t1_iuhvlfp wrote

Easy commute to work for me! Just a 6 block walk, only 10 mins. Sooooo nice!


xwolf_rider t1_iuis4v5 wrote

I'm getting married this Saturday!!


IntrepidDreams t1_iuhddar wrote

On work days, I have already been at work for over an hour by the time 5:15 AM rolls around. Enjoy sleeping in.


hikinganew t1_iuhrezv wrote

We reached our destination after 15 hours of driving and I’m excited to not drive until we leave lmao.

It was fun but definitely got restless and the Ohio Turnpike lasts forever.


SSPeteCarroll t1_iuhvni5 wrote

Martinsville was INSANE yesterday. I have never seen a move like that pulled off and actually work in my 23 years watching motorsport.

I also ate like 7 hot dogs so that was fun.

Excited for the NASCAR championship Sunday.


idlecrush t1_iuiekhp wrote

That was absolutely epic. It didn't hurt that he knocked Hamlin out of the championship 4 either. I will 100% be rooting for Chastain on Sunday since my driver/team is out.


SSPeteCarroll t1_iuii4s2 wrote

Denny drove a perfect race yesterday too. Won both stages, led the most laps. His crew let him down on those last 3 stops.

I just have a feeling Logano wins it Sunday.


idlecrush t1_iuiljsn wrote

You are probably right, but if I don't have a dog in the fight I usually root for the underdog.


SquirrelBurritos t1_iui01vj wrote

I’m on the road by 7 so I have time to make a coffee stop and be at the crematory by 7:30, not too many cars on the road at that time. So maybe 20 minutes?

The highlight of our week is we are giving out full size candy bars this year! Both my husband and I have never been able to give out candy for Halloween due to living situations/areas with no kids, but we bought a house this year and finally get to. It’s the little things sometimes


Stitchmond t1_iui2np1 wrote

Just diggin' thru ditches and burnin' thru witches today over here.

Had a prelim phone interview this morning, went pretty well, but not fantastically. They're looking for more specific experience with certain things I only have support experience with, but I'm still well qualified.


jsnipy t1_iui3y01 wrote

Have a happy Halloween RVA and remember: don't dream it, be it.


ChuckBS t1_iuhl9r1 wrote

When I go into the office I'm usually on the road around 8. I only have to go the other side of the city, but it usually takes like 15 or 20 minutes. I'm a paralegal, but my work lets me be hybrid most of the time.


jodyhighrola t1_iuhtsma wrote

If I'm on the road early, it's because I'm on a coffee and breakfast mission to Stir Crazy or Smoky Mug. My commute occurs over fiber cabling thereafter. I lead technology for a R.E./hospitality start-up (5 years this month).

My excitement for the week, like usual, will be when the weekend is near. Thankfully it's Halloween on a Monday, which makes this day better. Spending the rest of the week in Nashville for work, with little desire to deal with air travel.


TheDankestMofo t1_iui70nm wrote

Hoping to have more trick or treaters this year. I committed to being a full candy bar house when I moved in, but the first Halloween only like 6 groups came by. If I have all this candy to myself I'll ruin myself.


ifweweresharks t1_iuhh4u3 wrote

I commute about 20 miles two days a week. I try to leave by 7:00 so I can go home around 16:00, otherwise the bryan park interchange is a pain.

I’m excited to see some friends from out of town and then Taylor Tomlinson on Friday night!


cleverocks t1_iuhnpmp wrote

Early bird gets the worm.


docskreba t1_iuht612 wrote

I have to leave at 6:30a to get my daughter to school in Chesterfield. Usually hit the start of rush hour on the way back into the city. I live by Mary Munford so the most direct route back is Huguenot/Cary, but holy shit there are so many people that use that as a main artery in the morning.


Shad0wembrace t1_iuhv6f6 wrote

Normally I'm at work by 7. But on a training schedule this week so 0830 today. Left the house a bit after 8. Takes about 16 minutes depending on traffic.


donteatmydog t1_iui1fbl wrote

Finishing settling in to our new apartment. Hitting the thrift stores for a bistro set, bookshelf and possibly a bike.

We looked at 7 houses yesterday and I am tuckered right out. Figured out we don't want to live in the West End though ... so we have that going for us.


tooberboober t1_iui51wd wrote

My commute is about 35 minutes and I hate it if only because it feels like I am wasting so much time.

My car broke down this morning so that doesn't bode well. I am expecting the fix to be expensive.

Not looking forward to this week in all honesty.


idlecrush t1_iuidlhf wrote

I work near Carytown and have a 45 minute drive. I usually leave my house at 5am and get to work about quarter to 6. That allows me to leave at 3:30pm and miss all the afternoon traffic on my way home.


Accomplished-Pen-394 t1_iuhua80 wrote

Most of the time I leave for work around 7:30. (I work 8-5 most of the time, sometimes later with overtime.)


cassanovadaga t1_iuhw6qh wrote

Excited to see the Milkstains play tonight for the first time in forever!


PayneTrainSG t1_iui00vf wrote

In college I used to work 5am-12pm and took classes 5-9:40pm. I do not miss that at all, Jesus christ.

My current job really does not need to even be in an office but you can practically show up when ever as long as work is getting done. It's 10 am and half the staff is still out.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iui1otg wrote

About once a month I commute 350miles.

Other days I work from home or bike about 2.5mi to an office downtown. But that's not why I wake up early. I wake up early so I have time for a run before the kids wake.


wolfpacklad t1_iui45yt wrote

Did the running store in Carytown say anything about their closing? I know it’s been shut down a few weeks but felt like it happened very suddenly.


goosey65 t1_iuiemsy wrote

If this is the one you’re talking about, it is being turned into a Lucky Road (the running store at Willow Lawn)


Moondinos t1_iui4du6 wrote

I'm about to go to my moms in a couple hours to bake dairy free cut out cookies cause they have a lot more space than my apartment kitchen. Also doing homework at the same time as baking lol. Low key Halloween party later on with some friends (who said cookies are for, but of course I'll leave some for my mom) and I'm going as sofi from sofi tukker and my friend is being tukker ! Just got to clean the litter box first before anything


DanSRedskins t1_iui5drg wrote

Going to Sticky Rice for dinner and then going to see Halloween 1978 at the Byrd tonight.


JustDyslexic t1_iui7cxb wrote

Just saw a couple cars get towed on Stuart for street cleaning. I'm shocked every time this happens people get towed


IMadeThisForTheForum t1_iui7pux wrote

Does anybody know if they give out candy at the parade?


RVAblues t1_iuit71g wrote

No they do not. But the church on Pine gives out hot dogs. And of course, it’s a neighborhood that people live in, so you can go trick-or-treating if you have kids.


secretistobeangry t1_iuinroo wrote

My supervisor is back from her 6 month maternity leave this week, which is amazing for me, because her boss quit a couple months ago so I've been tasked with keeping the team going, which has been certifiably awful.


Complete_System_3714 t1_iuis0xv wrote

Baker. My only issue is other cars being present at red lights (where I can see both ways), and not having the wherewithall to run it regardless.


thesj180herself t1_iuj5em7 wrote

i ran 40 miles around the north bank/reedy creek/buttermilk loop on saturday with a friend and got stung by yellow jackets on my back and hand in forest hill park. didn't really bother me that much, but woke up this morning with my hand super swollen and red and itchy. so that's weirding me out.


rva-fantom t1_iujobjr wrote

Just had a guy stop on 14th in mid traffic, roll his window down and throw a bottle of water at me. Halloween can go fuck right off.


Ddmarteen t1_iujqjet wrote

Fix and fly planes- DC area! I’m on the road by 4 most mornings.