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anontnturntable OP t1_ispif4q wrote

Thanks for the counter perspective, and I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m not the one with this specific anxiety, but as the answers have rolled in, I’ve been thinking about my switching my dentist too for the same reason- I hate being upsold or pressured. That’s very triggering for a lot of people and not something that’s going to reduce dental anxiety for anyone…


Vajama77 t1_isq8bxr wrote

That's the problem I have any time I try to go get dental stuff done they try to get you to do all this cosmetic work and they will not listen to you!! just fix my cavity. But no. they want to give you an implant or whiten!! it's just a racket nowadays...I just want to find a down and dirty honest dentist who just does what's needed with minimal pain.