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thegreatmachine21 t1_ity0q2g wrote

Jesus H... a person died. Let's all make jokes about it. Wtf.


Soloemilia t1_ity1enm wrote

Yes that is exactly what we are going to do, because that is how we are all coping right now in the year of our lord 2022. You are welcome to move the fuck on


BerserkFanYep t1_iu092ri wrote

Bet you wouldn’t be making jokes if it was your mother. Never been a fan of gallows humor. Just a cop out for being a dick.


RefrigeratorRater t1_itz5ad6 wrote

If you’re actually struggling, look into SSRIs, they are a type of medicine that can help with coping. They turned my pessimistic/negative attitude into a normal, slightly positive one, among other benefits.


NuttingOnNutzy t1_itzd424 wrote

I’m glad they’ve helped you. They also have a ton of side effects, have minimal proof of their efficacy and can cause permanent changes like chronic anhedonia, and that’s coming from someone who takes psych meds. Unless you’re a psychiatrist and the poster is your patient, stay in your lane. Most people don’t like receiving unsolicited medical advice from a stranger.


RefrigeratorRater t1_itzfcw4 wrote

Calm down my dude. I suggested they look into them, as in read up on and hopefully talk to a professional about them. I didn’t prescribe and tell them to start taking them.


NuttingOnNutzy t1_itzh47p wrote

I’m calm. I’m letting you know that what your doing is considered rude. At it’s worst, it’s emotionally damaging and invalidating for people who have chronic health issues or disabilities to hear suggestions like that.


thegreatmachine21 t1_ity1yxt wrote

Nah I'm good right here thanks. Any other supremely stupid broad generalizations about humanity you'd like to throw out there? I'm all ears.


Soloemilia t1_ity2akk wrote

I have so many. Wanna fight about Richmond Public Schools?


thegreatmachine21 t1_ity2djn wrote



Soloemilia t1_ity2gxh wrote

Good idea


thegreatmachine21 t1_ity37on wrote

Lol. I hope you go to bed tonight feeling great about how you "won" this.


Soloemilia t1_ity3aef wrote

Muah!! Besos! I don’t even think about you at all


stimulusfunctions t1_ityxieo wrote

It’s “funny” because it happened on Chamberlayne and no one cares about a human being who died on Chamberlayne because of all sorts of biases around where in the city bad things are “supposed” to happen because of racism. When it was a woman on a bike dying after being hit by a car in the county no one was making jokes and everyone was just talking about what a tragedy it was. If a pedestrian had been run over crossing the street in the Fan everyone would be outraged and taking about cars being bad and walkability of streets.


RVAMS t1_itz5794 wrote

That has nothing to do with it. Getting hit and killed by a street sweeper is an objectively bizarre and funny way to die. It’s like being drown in soft serve ice cream, or eaten by a hippo. Some ways of dying are funnier than others. I would rather get hit by the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile than die of COPD in a hospital bed, then at least people could get a laugh out of it. Death is coming for us all, you should lighten up about it.

“Omg you can’t say ‘lighten up’ that’s racist.”


onewaybackpacking t1_itz0wno wrote

Are you saying mf broom had been out all night drinking illegally before they hit someone? This is literally night and day and the piece of shit that hit those two women should have a special place in hell reserved for him.


stimulusfunctions t1_itz3ils wrote

Your response has nothing to do with a single thing I said. What I said was that many people in Richmond care more about some types of people dying than others, and that this is clearly evident.


FromTheIsle t1_itz6751 wrote

What kind of person was killed?


mybeamishb0y t1_itz8kms wrote

a dumb one


FromTheIsle t1_itz965h wrote

Well we don't know for sure who was I do have sympathy. And I don't entirely disagree that it is interesting people are more outraged at a cyclist's death (I am an avid cyclist) than other deaths we see in the city...but implying that only "certain people" live on Chamberlayne and therefore we don't care about this particular death (so next stop Dog Whistle city here we come) is a stretch. It's obvious this incident is bizarre and uncommon.


mybeamishb0y t1_itz8fw1 wrote

OK. Your mama so dumbshe went to the store for meat sweetener and ended up getting killed by a street sweepener.
