Submitted by JamesBhand-007 t3_z8bkcp in rva

I was behind a Sysco delivery truck that turned down a one-way street. Due to another road closure, this is the detour street everyone has to turn down. He put his hazards on and stopped. The street is narrow af, and there was no way for me to maneuver around. Am I in the wrong for putting my car in park, getting out, and asking him to move? At first he told me to back out and I said sir this is a ONE-WAY (plus, I’d be backing onto the very busy street I just turned from so that wouldn’t make sense anyway). I told him that he needs to turn on the next street, which is a two-way, and make his delivery. We went back and forth, but he eventually said okay I’ll circle the block for you. I kid you not… as I’m typing this I saw him circle again. My bet is someone else got stuck behind him and also asked him to move.

Also yesterday a moving truck blocked both directions of Decatur Street for lord knows how long. Luckily I was able to back out onto a side street

What is up with delivery drivers thinking that just because they have a big truck they can do whatever in these streets?



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JamesBhand-007 OP t1_iyau40h wrote

I guess my tiff is that he was really planning on sitting there for at least 20-30 minutes. I asked him what he was delivering and he showed me this long as list. I’m pretty sure he said there were 6 pallets he had to unload?

I’ve never had a regular driver block a street, but I’d hope they would t sit there for more than a few minutes.


jodyhighrola t1_iyau6wx wrote

Is this your first time living in a city?


Remerez t1_iyawnuz wrote

Or they park in the bike lane and look away when they see a bike coming.


cmyk412 t1_iyaxdpq wrote

So you, in your smaller and more maneuverable vehicle, had the option to back out and flat out refused because you don’t trust your driving skills and ability to back into an intersection? I’m with the truck driver on this one. Learn how to drive already.


BurkeyTurger t1_iyaxti8 wrote

Obviously, he knows how you get it done. No delivery company big or small is going to bother following traffic laws and parking tickets are just the cost of doing business. UPS one year paid NYC over 30 million dollars in parking fines.

Can they be dicks about it? Absolutely. Is anything going to change? Unlikely, especially as the supply of legal street parking dwindles.


juwanna-blomie t1_iyaxwpa wrote

I can let all of this go so long as this person wasn’t one of those horrible people that pulls in front of a building and double parks despite their being bountiful space 15 feet up. But the royalty MUST be a maximum of 5ft distance from their destination…


JamesBhand-007 OP t1_iyaxy7a wrote

No. I chose the better option to ask him to move. It worked. Trusting my driving skills has nothing to do with the fact that it’s stupid to back out of a one-way onto a busy ass street.

I’m glad you’re with the truck driver in deciding to move.


Power_Blaster t1_iyazibp wrote

In a city: Big Trucks > Little Cars. Adapt, cover come. It's not hard.


J_Beyonder t1_iyb5b4g wrote

Good job for speaking up and having him move. You didn't do nothing wrong.


I_AM_RVA t1_iyb6hzg wrote

I believe if you check the actual laws you will find that the delivery driver was in the right. In the legal right anyway.


Otherwise-Print-6210 t1_iybevyq wrote

In your next life I want you reincarnated as a delivery driver, with a big truck in a big old city. As a current city resident, you must realize everthing you touch was delivered by trucks.


1975hh3 t1_iybg4zt wrote

If you drive a semi in the fan/city you get to do this. What else are they supposed to do? Hover?


garytabasco t1_iybh8kn wrote

Honestly happens all the time here. I’ve learned which streets to not take to avoid this stuff. My commute is honestly probably just a couple minutes longer BUT it’s consistent so I can plan my schedule. Some other roads are quicker but the frequency this happens has made me find an alternative route which is much more consistently clear. I suggest doing the same.


JamesBhand-007 OP t1_iybhygt wrote

This is the first time this has happened for me. Hence my complete and utter shock lol. I can’t change my commute as this road is a detour from another closed road. Like I mentioned above. This seemed like a one-off, so I’m not too worried that it’ll happen again.


VeganaBitchLasagna t1_iybrlrk wrote

I work for a Sysco-like company and deal with accident and injury investigation. Many things could contribute to this issue: new driver, new route, new customer/restaurant, and just trying to do his job. I get that this is extremely annoying, but their routes start at 4am and they try to get it all done before the rest of us hit the road. They try to build better routes, build the pallets more efficiently, but it’s hard to do. Their supervisors are on them about unloading fast, staying on time, and minimizing risk/injury/accident. And unfortunately blocking the street is low on priority if they can do the above. Sorry bro. Give these guys some grace because they work really hard - lifting 5k pounds A DAY 5+ times a week, driving big trucks around a city, and dealing with upset customers.


Cunbundle t1_iycd56e wrote

Richmond is an old city with narrow streets, It's really not built for big trucks. They do what they can to get their jobs done. Sure it can be annoying but it is what it is. Businesses can't function if they don't get deliveries and all those businesses are what makes city life enjoyable. Just gotta roll with it sometimes.


GB3754 t1_iycgac4 wrote

The Amazon drivers do this all the time. Granted it's just for a few minutes, but pull into the driveway!


Both-Internal-6970 t1_iyci194 wrote

Fr barely even feels optimal for full size trucks/ large sedans, that's why certain areas of Richmond I don't make it to, unless someone else is driving. For instance I really like vcu- downtown, but it can be a bitch to park since you're forced to parallel park most of the time, unless you're into paying for Parking


Stitchmond t1_iycp0dv wrote

Saw this yesterday down in Shockoe. Amazon van pulled into the bike lane on a one-way street. Wanted to say something but there were already Dominion and Verizon service trucks and one other van straight up parked in the bike lane so what's the fucking point?


Ditovontease t1_iyctb06 wrote

My only beef is when they do it in stupid ways, like the example you provided, or when they do it right in front of a stop sign, or do it right in front of an EMPTY spot. Like do what you want idc just do it safely. Like dude could've pulled up on to the side walk to let you through, I doubt he needed to stop exactly in the middle of a one way street to do what he needed to do.

I have a tiny car for city driving after having a big ass Camry for years so driving around people is usually not an issue.


femanonette t1_iyctrdi wrote

Delivery drivers have it hard enough. I get the frustration of being stuck but they have no choice but to be on the streets that don't provide a place for them to pull off. You have the ability to choose another route.


dustynegatives t1_iycutj7 wrote

As a former delivery driver who has delivered in the area parking isn’t a thing. Never felt great blocking the street but I can promise you there aren’t many other options. Luckily for you all who are somehow just going to get a coffee at 2 o’clock on a weekday there is always another way to get to where you’re going. Even if it adds 1 minute to your to your 3 minute commute.


Remerez t1_iyd2epz wrote

I ride my bike to work from Bellevue to Downtown every day, and there honestly hasn't been a day where a person doesn't walk into the bike lane without looking, and I have to slam on my breaks, or some idiot thinks the bike lane also works as a parking spot. I wish cops ticketed people for parking in the bike lane, but I have seen cops even do it, so I don't think they give a shit.

This whole city is just a giant game of "what are you gonna do about it" with the people in power breaking whatever fundamental human law they want. And every perpetrator will also use some bigoted perspective for why they get to break the law and inconvenience everyone around them.

I remember right in front of penny lane, a bunch of drunk idiots filling up the bike lane, and when I asked them to move, the group all told me to fuck off and started calling me a bike bitch. They were in the wrong 100000,% but they couldn't give a fuck because this is Richmond and who gives a shit about doing the right thing.

This shit gets me boiled. The idea of dying while on the way to work because of some idiot being selfish makes me want to pull the moon from the sky and punt it into the sun.

My rant is over. I will rest.


anonfromnowher t1_iyd2j8z wrote

The double parking is out of control in the city. People simply don't care about inconveniencing anyone else if they benefit from it.


ShuRugal t1_iydc90k wrote

>What is up with delivery drivers thinking that just because they have a big truck they can do whatever in these streets?

Our cops are too busy catfishing teenagers to bother with enforcing laws which promote public safety, so the drivers know they can do what they want.


MyLastComment t1_iyddedj wrote

What's wrong with you???? He had this park anywhere lights on.


Thegreatgato t1_iydgwey wrote

I usually get it, unless they have miles of free space along the curb to pull into. Or even just stopping at a better spot so other cars can move around them.


kneel_yung t1_iyf6xpk wrote

Big part of the reason I prefer riding my motorcycle in the city when possible. Nobody can block me in no matter how hard they try.