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borari t1_ix1d6of wrote

Nobody said anything about Facebook getting hacked, or Facebook's IR team. I was just saying that an arbitrary company with a respectable SOC/IR team would have a playbook for dealing with social media account compromise in addition to their playbooks for ransomware, c2 beaconing alerts etc., because a compromised social media account is a compromised business asset, which is a security breach.


OnARedditDiet t1_ix1dswb wrote

Nobody said facebook had a breach except the comment I was replying to...

I understand your point but the only thing I'm saying is that it's unlikely that this one page was impacted by a facebook security breach (if there was one).


borari t1_ix1e2c9 wrote

Ah. I'm a complete idiot. I was over here thinking "of course The Byrd suffered a security breach, what else would this be?". Ignore me.