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Ditovontease t1_iwupzek wrote

a lot of pop punk and not actual emo.

yeah i said it.


Hedgecore138 t1_iwuyzre wrote

Too much Fall Out Boy, not enough Jawbreaker.


sentientbean- t1_iwv58ht wrote

This is my major complaint about the other Emo Nite group, Emo Nite LA. Last time I went they were playing No Doubt. I came for Hawthorne Heights and Say Anything, please shut that shit off


Hedgecore138 t1_iwv6w9s wrote

Yeah, they belong in music jail. I don't think I'll be doing any of these unless I know Lindsey is DJing.


Landfill_2032 t1_iwugor8 wrote

If it's Emo Night Brooklyn it will be a good time. It's literally two guys who just play Emo songs all night long. They have some corny jokes that they'll say in between songs and I think take requests over Instagram. So a good time to have some drinks and sing along.


carbondrewtonium t1_iwurhh3 wrote

taking back sunday's tell all your friends on repeat for four hours


J-Colio t1_iwugxw5 wrote



Ditovontease t1_iwvnbe8 wrote

those are the goth kids though they'd be real mad if you called them emo


Ravenwater t1_iwxphfh wrote

As a 2000s Midwest mall goth you are 100% spot on.


Nervous_Golf_6561 t1_iwufso9 wrote

Do you think it will be a fairly diverse age group? My wife and I are in our early 30s, and she loved Emo music is high-school and still listens to it.

We just don't wanna be the weird old people in the club lol.


jeb_hoge t1_iwugc18 wrote

Oh, go be the weird olds. No one really cares unless you start creeping. I went to a show at the Camel once where I was a good 20-25 years older than anyone but the bar staff and no one even looked at me.


bigdawgwhatup OP t1_iwugq5y wrote

I feel like almost everyone will be between 25-35. That’s the music we grew up on


Opacy t1_iwuksuu wrote

I was thinking the same thing.

Is emo even still popular? Maybe it’s just me being old, but it feels like it reached its zenith in the early to mid 2000s.


docskreba t1_iwuygke wrote

Don’t know about popular, by there’s a channel on SiriusXM called The Emo Project (ch 713) and I listen to it regularly.


SunEarthMoonYou t1_iwywjn5 wrote

Emo is very popular, but the genre has sonically shifted from what you might know “emo” as from the Hawthorne Heights days


pb49er t1_ix1zmsj wrote

Emo is very popular. Most of the current emo bands are very bad though. Just saw Pool Kids (with two bad emo bands) at Canal Club and remembered why I hate that venue.


Nervous_Golf_6561 t1_iwuj48x wrote

Thanks for that guys, I think this will make her night. Hope to see some of yall there.


whyhellomichael t1_iwuglfw wrote

Was wondering the same thing, mid 30s couple, also not a lot of details with a 20 dollar cover.


sentientbean- t1_iwv5f6x wrote

Emo themed nights at venues are hugely popular in bigger cities and always with a very diverse age group. I live in Austin now and these events regularly sell out. I’d say we’re definitely living through an Emo renaissance


Buckyster t1_iwuqe5u wrote

I’ve been to a few, I think it’s always been emo night brooklyn but with different DJs. It’s always a good time, sometimes they’re better than others though. Good crowd, pretty diverse age range, everyone’s just there to have a good time. Highly recommend especially if you can rope some friends into it!


coalmines t1_iwv7dp0 wrote

It was really fun last year. Sang my heart out with other 30-something’s. Definitely recommend.


ratsoncatsonrats t1_iwv7q5y wrote

I went to one of these pre-covid and the group of 30-ish year olds I was with were probably the only people of legal drinking age. There were a LOT of teens and some of their parents looking bored in the corner. We still had a great time though.

It was definitely more of like a Hot Topic/ commercially successful pop punk vibe.


Jon1renicus t1_iwvbutx wrote

Any knowers on if this is a recurring event? Can't go to this one since still recovering from some oral surgery but super interested in a fun emo night in a My Chem shirt


JulianVanderbilt t1_iwxbs4t wrote

Am I correct that this going to be like Taking Back Sunday/Brand New/My Chemical Romance era emo exclusively and not like Mineral/Christie Front Drive/Texas Is The Reason/American Football era?


BerserkFanYep t1_iwv3mk2 wrote

Had my first mosh pit there last year. Good times.
