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bkemp1984Part2 t1_ixiq4p1 wrote

Want to borrow a hammock: does anyone around Richmond have a hammock that is good for sleeping that I could borrow to test out? At least a few days would be cool, a couple weeks even better.
I got a hammock stand, a Kammock Swiftlet and thought afterwards that I might could sleep in it to help my increasingly painful lower back. A lot of reviewers commented that it's low spread distance compared to other stands makes it hard to sleep in, especially if you're taller. I'm not tall, but I kind of feel like my Eno SingleNest makes it hard to get a good diagonal. I could be wrong, I've only ever taken a few naps in hammocks before. Just wanted to try another hammock before I buy one. I'm guessing a two person might be better or one longer than the Eno I have, since it'd be wider in the middle?