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kneel_yung t1_iy4vd9w wrote

As a practical consideration, they do this because they need access to police, otherwise the police will give exclusive scoops and interviews to their competitors.

Is it shitty? Of course it is. But news is entertainment and the goal is to make money. News is not a public service like many seem to think it is. They're private businesses looking to pad their bottom line in any way possible. The rich capitalists who own the media couldn't care less how informed people are. The just want cheap content, and cops give it to them for free.


sleevieb t1_iy620ud wrote

Iirc to get fcc licenses to broadcast the major channels had to agree to provide news. I think it got shut down by the Supreme Court or deregulated in the late 80s.

Cops are public servants and it’s gross that they have to be treated a certain way by reporters if anyone expects them to say anything.