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Stofficer2 t1_iy5ocbu wrote

You’re welcome to move to a country that has no law and order. South Africa is a perfect example of what happens when identity politics takes over law and order. South Africa will welcome you with open arms…. As long as your not white. You’re not white, right?


derndy t1_iy5vp05 wrote

Lol what does South Africa have to do with anything. I'm all for having laws, but the police ain't working. They have zero accountability, little training, and too much power/force behind them. Are you ok with guys like this patrolling your streets?


A_Big_Teletubby t1_iy639qr wrote

one of your fellow state troopers just killed 3 people and you're seething over reddit comments


Stofficer2 t1_iy6fy4j wrote

One of my fellow state troopers? I’m not involved with any law enforcement agency nor friends with any state troopers. If anything fuck the VA state police. They were 100% complacent in the Charlottesville riots that led to that schizo dude run that poor girl over.