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A_Big_Teletubby t1_iy63dog wrote

> the Colorado nightclub shooter was trans

no he wasnt lmfao you're delusional


Stofficer2 t1_iy6fotb wrote

Oh I’m sorry, non binary right? Which they declared in 2016?


A_Big_Teletubby t1_iy6lmsv wrote

They changed their name in 2016 to get away from their dad and encyclopedia dramatica. cant find anything about them ever declaring nonbinary before the shooting. transparent attempt to avoid hate crime charges


Stofficer2 t1_iya48t5 wrote

Oh ok so your statement isn’t a conspiracy theory but Paul pelosi attacker filling his blogs with right wing propaganda two weeks before the attack, that’s a conspiracy theory? Got it. Another example of how the left refuses to accept that they too have mentally unstable extremist on their side.


A_Big_Teletubby t1_iyahru4 wrote

the paul pelosi guy was a crackpot for sure. why would i care about his political affiliation. youre bringing up random shit for no reason. Going to a club and killing gay people is the logical endpoint of the republican Groomer discourse and a lot of the party clearly condones that.


Stofficer2 t1_iyamcxa wrote

Not at all. Pushing the gay agenda down kids throats have led to the current rhetoric. Drag shows at schools is absolutely fucking pointless. Books in public libraries depicting sexual acts between two people (whether it be gay or straight) is absolutely fucking pointless, too. Those books were in Virginia school libraries.

I’m bringing up “old random shit” to prove how biased the media is. Why do you think there’s so much hate between the left and the media towards Elon? He’s letting the right voice their opinions.