Submitted by ThrowYaBoatt t3_z7ycav in rva

Why is this such a big issue? The only explanation I’ve seen is a 2009 traffic study, NIMBY, and also “no more chain establishments”.

I understand that intersection is difficult as it stands today.

Don’t understand why replacing an empty building with a business is a huge deal.



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WhalerBum t1_iy8r9rp wrote

I love wawa and sheetz but that intersection needs to be redesigned to handle that amount of traffic that will rightfully be visiting that sheetz


billyshep86 t1_iy9dni9 wrote

My in-laws live in the neighborhood behind it (Willow Oaks), and they don't see what the issue is. Compared to the shitty abandoned building already there and the nasty 7/11, Sheetz would be a good change.


Hiltson87 t1_iy9zmw5 wrote

My mom is near there and all up in arms but can't explain why. They're also building a new Exxon where Liberty Valance was and no one is saying shit about that.


1975hh3 t1_iybh4km wrote

Not a single word. And it will be a car wash too. Across the street from Tommy’s. Between two tacky ass vape stores. NIMBY’s act like this is some nice ass neighborhood, but it’s not. It’s just a normal, American, shit ass thoroughfare.


NotFerrari519 t1_iybz2p3 wrote

Right! That is actually super tacky and people should be protesting that. I don’t get it!


pecansforall t1_iy9fl96 wrote

They need a Hustler Hollywood store there instead of a Sheetz.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_iy8q7pj wrote

I think the issue is neighborhood doesn’t want the added traffic, the noise and light pollution, and the expansion of the footprint into the parking lot (removes parking from local businesses and restaurants) plus loss of value of houses as the FHA corridor becomes more like midlothian TPKE.

The protesters fear it is also a bad look for the neighborhood as gateway to the wetlands, pony pasture park system.


ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iy8rj78 wrote

What added traffic and noise and light pollution? There’s already 2 existing centers at that corner which include a Food Lion, 7/11, McDonalds, GoBird, Galley, etc.


augie_wartooth t1_iy8zvbg wrote

Have you ever seen a Sheetz?


55V35lM t1_iy9i6ra wrote

Sheetz….. after dark, specifically


ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iy9ifb9 wrote

Yeah - have you seen that corner which has been an abandoned flower shop?


[deleted] t1_iyaella wrote



ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iyaky7p wrote

I live in Stratford Hills and also frequent the 7/11 on that corner plenty of times throughout the week.

Im not saying I’m desperate for a sheetz to go in. I’m just wondering why it’s such a big deal.

The stretch of Forest Hill between that intersection and Chippenham has a lot of empty buildings so I don’t get why it’s a big deal that something is getting built there.


UniversityAny755 t1_iyb7mf8 wrote

That 7-11 sucks for gas and I don't ever buy anything there. I'd definitely prefer a Sheetz. Wawa is past where I typically go on Forest Hill (except if I'm out to Trader Joes) and when i have gone there, it's backed up. I waited 30 minutes for air there once. We could use the tax revenue. In so tired of all the same people complaining about changes to the Forest Hill corridor. Except the casino, they were right about that crappy proposal.

What I miss is the old Martin's gas pumps and my fuel perks.


1975hh3 t1_iybhgyx wrote

The shitty ass Sev and abandoned buildings are the only gateway to the wetlands we need!!!! /s


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_iycp9vd wrote

Well, I can think of better uses for the space - but they wouldn’t be as profitable. So I can see why the sheetz is going there.

I sure wish it could be a local coffee shop/cafe. That’d be a great place to pop into on the way to or from the river. Something like Crossroads is in Forest Hill.

But that’s pure fantasy. SHEETZ is definitely coming, and it’ll dominate the area. It’s going to be huge and ugly, but it’s gonna make the landlord happy for sure.


madmoneymcgee t1_iy8rqmz wrote

These things snowball where people get all bent out of shape and whip others up in a frenzy. Especially in an area that was kind of sleepy before but isn't now. No one in Glen Allen or Short Pump or Midlothian give a damn about a new sheetz because they have those up all the time.


ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iy8vand wrote

I can see that- I do appreciate the calmer side of this corridor of Forest Hill but it’s also nice that at least something is going into one of the many abandoned sites


Asterion7 t1_iy8pl0u wrote

People prefer 7/11


Nervous_Golf_6561 t1_iy9wrbc wrote

When they have potatoe buns and raw onions for their big hotdogs...its a truly guilty pleasure of mine.

I gobble that dawg like I'm in a nature documentary about dawg gobblin.


ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iy8rvl6 wrote

Let’s push the 7/11 onto the other side of the street!


55V35lM t1_iy9mmgs wrote

Relatively certain the old flower shop building was originally a 7-11 (without gas pumps)


Arachnotron45 t1_iy9v4bu wrote

It was about 20-25 years ago. I used to live in Stratford Hills off Longview. The Dunkin Donuts used to be a tiny McDonald's, and the current McDonald's used to be a Hardee's.


Daylily_9330 t1_iy9sm8o wrote

Yes it was. I used to buy lots of Milwaukees Best there back in high school.


55V35lM t1_iybvlx6 wrote

  • I think you misspelled “Beast”

Professional_Book912 t1_iy91p40 wrote

It's all neighborhood behind it, and they don't want people gaming the back routes through the hood to sheets.

I don't get the anger towards it. I mean, some will love it, some will hate it.

For me, there is a lil jump I get to take on the motorcycle right there that goes away. I also think that will change the businesses there, more to support the in and out of the gas station,


The only thing that would piss me off would be as a tenant, that you are bringing in a quick food place when I am selling restaurant. There are a few in that shopping center.


Fit-Order-9468 t1_iy96s9g wrote

>It's all neighborhood behind it, and they don't want people gaming the back routes through the hood to sheets.

This is frustrating to me. There are ways to resolve these issues. The fact that they don't happen makes me very skeptical of neighborhood concerns about it.

Closing the little gap next to the McDonald's on Old Westham should be sufficient without meaningful inconvenience for the homes there. There are more things you could do based on how much residents actually care about traffic.


Professional_Book912 t1_iy97wbr wrote

I agree! I think there is some resentment too because forest hill is not 45-50mph right up to that. Not posted speed but actuals.


Fit-Order-9468 t1_iy98t88 wrote

That's a widespread problem in the US. We like to put shops and houses right next to roads where cars are trying to go fast.

I'm reminded of this problem with some elementary school; I don't recall which. The issues was cars would cut through the road in front of the school while driving fast. This is dangerous.

I looked at the map and... they can just make that road a dead end. Problem solved. Makes me so mad.


ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iyahhvv wrote

What back roads could they possibly be taking?

Are people going to take Cherokee via Huguenot?


SonicBoris t1_iybidxp wrote

Yes, I did it five days a week for six years. People haul ass down Hathaway and Cherokee, and I imagine that would become a far bigger problem if this thing is built.


Professional_Book912 t1_iycwi3p wrote

When there was construction people would follow the river, turning just west of willow oaks and driving through there to either Huguenot or back over to forest hill.

People already fly through cherokee, and it has that lil side road connecting it to hathaway.


Freseper t1_iy9fxal wrote

Clearly the shopping center should be preserved in its current form in perpetuity to pay homage to its role as the DOJ office in Hulu’s Dopesick.


GaimanitePkat t1_iy91gpm wrote

If Nextdoor is any indication, people think that drug deals will be happening constantly in the parking lot (so little Johnny and Susie will get hooked on reefer!) and unsavory criminals will be waiting at Sheetz to kidnap any children within a 500 foot radius and be gone on the interstate before Mama even notices that little Johnny and Susie aren't in the candy aisle anymore.

Also all the nice suburban houses will Animorph into billboards and the community center will become a giant shopping mall, thus "commercializing quiet suburbs".


SonicBoris t1_iybitxe wrote

Drug deals in the parking lot? That will not be a “new” thing.


Scabeater420 t1_iydbp1c wrote

Yeah Rockfalls Tavern is there drugs deals are nothin new



If the Wawa near 288/64 is typical for a combo food/gas store, I can understand why residents would be hesitant. That Wawa overfills at lunch time.


vcuamsandmda t1_iybfeqj wrote

We will take it at Semmes and Cowardin


SpazDeSpencer t1_iy8yxvy wrote

Because the businesses that are already there will lose most of their parking spaces plus the amount of traffic coming and going will be a nuisance. We don’t need another gas station.


ThrowYaBoatt OP t1_iy8znhb wrote

Parking space? That shopping center is always empty as it is


SpazDeSpencer t1_iy8zwx4 wrote

Not when I’m there. Especially the spaces closer to forest hill. The spaces close to Hathaway tend to be empty however.


SonicBoris t1_iybhyqt wrote

Traffic has always been a bitch at that stoplight, and having another gas station across from the 7-11 at the same intersection is going to cause terrible problems. Additionally, it will likely cause future rent problems for all the local businesses in that shopping center, eventually forcing many of them out. Yeah, that dilapidated storefront should have been torn down ten years ago, but a huge fucking gas station is not the right idea at all. No Sheetz!!!


RVAbosozoku t1_iy92nbx wrote

I’m stoked on a sheetz there.


himynameisjay t1_iya9feo wrote

It might slightly disturb traffic between 11:00am-1:00pm on a weekday as people stop by for lunch but outside of that, I can't imagine it'll make too much of an impact on traffic.

Even late night (midnight - 3pm) I don't imagine it turning into the Shockoe Exxon or anything.

The Wawa up the street is mostly dead at night [as opposed to the Wawa on Midlothian that can be overwhelming (and overwhelmed) at night]. Even the Sheetz on Midlo never gets really wild at night or on the weekends (maybe because everyone is across the street at Cook Out).

I can kinda understand just generally not wanting a giant gas station at that intersection in terms of creating a more human-scale, pedestrian-friendly neighborhood crossroad but it doesn't really seem that intersection is really heading in that direction in the short term either way.


Mr_Boneman t1_iya1eg0 wrote

There are good reasons and some not so good ones. Depending on which side of the fence you fall on, you’ll use those talking points while willfully ignoring/misinterpreting the other sides point to claim the moral high ground.


Luken_Kaduken t1_iya3jet wrote

Why is “no more chain establishments” in scare quotes? I think it’s a totally valid stance.


bochelles t1_iyaraqf wrote

The Wawa on forest hill is already pretty sketch. I say we add another tobacco shop lolol


AlreadyShrugging t1_iyb5q2n wrote

I can’t wait to see all the townspeople argue about it.


Urkle_sperm t1_iybm3hr wrote

I live within walking distance and I don't really understand the objections. If I were given the choice between a Sheetz and a little green space there I'd go for the green space 100% but that isn't the choice we're being given. That intersection is all concrete as far as the eye can see anyway. Food Lion, 7-11, 2 garages, McDonald's, that new chicken fast food place and a dozen or so other shops. This seems like pure NIMBY-ism and it's not even understandable "I don't want a housing project in my backyard" NIMBY-ISM. It seems whiny to me even as a neighborhood local but that's just my $0.02.

As an aside, I wonder what the owners of that Thai restaurant and Natalie's Taste of Lebanon and Galley etc think about it. It might drive traffic to their businesses a bit?


Ruminator33 t1_iybujc2 wrote

I literally drove by the signs today and was asking my friend what was going on. Pissy ass boomers it seems like.


NotFerrari519 t1_iybxeu2 wrote

I live right down the road and I am thrilled. I moved here last year and realized that people in this part of town just like to complain about everything.


pizza99pizza99 t1_iydnkxz wrote

It’s NIMBYS, there’s not much logic


muttbutt804 t1_iyb6skj wrote

People in that neighborhood love to complain. Open up a hobby or craft store and give them something to do other than whine about anything new trying to be built on forest hill .


oddistrange t1_iyb71nm wrote

I would open up a Sheetz in my front yard for the fries.


matt_wood96 t1_iyc7x0j wrote

I live not far from the proposed spot, I personally love the idea of a Sheetz, I frequent the area already for food from McD’s and Go Bird, and occasionally gas from 7/11, Sheetz would give folks a decent alternative option for food and gas.

I really am having a hard time seeing the issue here. Seems like a home run, they’re not booting anyone out for the shopping center, it’ll increase traffic for those businesses, and it’ll get rid of one of the many empty buildings on Forest Hill. When are we going to get out of the mindset of “preserving” an area? When all these businesses leave and create more empty buildings because nobody wants them to grow?

Bring on the Sheetz!


Scabeater420 t1_iydc1pf wrote

Wawas food is better than sheets that’s why


batkave t1_iyaw1x0 wrote

Always NIMBYS. They think it will turn traffic into Atlanta or new York etc. People have been convinced this stuff is bad to them and will turn it into a gang territory.


1975hh3 t1_iybgozr wrote

It’s not a big deal. The NIMBY’s just think THEY are a big deal.


JustStudyItOut t1_iy8z5j4 wrote

People want to be angry about something. Now that they killed the casino they need something new to get whipped up about.
