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dreadpiraterobertzzz t1_iydft6e wrote

The sad thing is that there is a solution to this problem. Implemented successfully by every other developed country on the planet. But we can't do that here in 'Merica. People prefer living in a warzone to having common sense.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_iydgvbv wrote

It's written into our constitution and so many people say they're responsible so why should they be punished. I don't know how we can ever change now that it's built into the american identity.


Diet_Coke t1_iydu040 wrote

>It's written into our constitution

To an extent it is, but the 2A reads:

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Now, some people will say that anyone over 18 is part of the militia so it's all honky dory, but I think that's really overlooking the 'well regulated' part. What could a well regulated militia look like?

It would need uniforms, a leadership structure, bylaws, regular training, some kind of funding, a muster point, etc. A well-regulated militia might refuse membership to someone convicted of domestic violence, or using hate speech, or who has signs of being a mass shooter. A well-regulated militia might store firearms and ammunition in a safe area so that they're available for training or when a foreign army invades.


AlreadyShrugging OP t1_iydliyq wrote

> I don't know how we can ever change now that it's built into the american identity.

We can’t. We won’t. Please do not construe this comment as supportive of guns or even 2nd Amendment. I’m a realist who’s tired of guns.


dreadpiraterobertzzz t1_iydikru wrote

I agree with what you are saying, it seems hopeless for there to be any change. If Sandy Hook didn't change things what will? Why does everything have to be so extreme in America? All we need is common sense laws related to firearms. Mandatory licenses, training, secure storage, waiting periods, etc. These regulations are completely normal in other developed countries. And people own plenty of guns in other countries. We require a license and training to operate a motor vehicle, but with firearms we don't, how does that make any sense?


Perelygino_Klyazma t1_iydnajf wrote

We don't have politicians, government bureaucracy, or even political system that can be trusted with limits to the right to defend yourself. We know what lists lead to. And we know criminals won't follow the law, anyways. Nothing you suggested would have stopped this drug deal from happening in the corner of a WalMart parking lot.

Change isn't hopeless, but it starts with growing individuals - at home and macro-economically - not with infringing people's rights.