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hi_revver t1_iwefwuq wrote

Like I said, I understand the sentiment. I guess a more apt comparison would be if there was a private sports team there (soccer/football/rugby/whatever) that folded and sold to the county. I'm not saying the county has an obligation to continue what a private business built, but, the fact is, SSS was holding regular races right up to covid and the family took that as an opportunity to move on. Fine. The other fact is that the people and racers that utilized the speedway are still around and would still race and spend money there. There is literally nothing else like it anywhere else in the area. Admittedly, I think it's a little bit of a pipe dream that it will survive just because of the way the area is going, but I'm still gonna make my voice heard when I can on it.

I would just hate for SSS to get leveled for something we don't need without giving it a fair shake first. Seems to me it would be a pretty cheap investment on the scale of Chesterfield to give it a shot and see if it works. Take some of the money that would have been spent on something new and work on getting traffic to flow in the area.


Rain-Gold t1_iwehgpt wrote

If they spent some money to fix it up and getting it looking nicer again, get a decent food/drink bar, and just a tiny bit of advertising, SSS would take off again and be packed. Everything is right there, just needs a little TLC.