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sleevieb t1_iuygawb wrote

This is filtering not lane splitting.


wtfareyounow t1_iuygopp wrote

Not sure what the difference is. In California I la e split for 15 years doing exactly that. What is filtering?


notrealbutreally175 t1_iuyhr80 wrote

Lane splitting is done at high speed (15+ mph). Lane filtering is done at low speeds (<15 mph). California is the only state that allows lane splitting. There’s a few that allow lane filtering which is what this post is talking about. But yeah, not legal in VA. I wish


sleevieb t1_iuyibgf wrote

I think Utah recently legalized splitting, maybe idaho? Like 3 or 4 years ago. I knew an AMA guy spearheading it.


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuyjm2k wrote

I have seen so many CA bikers almost meet an untimely demise splitting lanes on the roads between Marin and Santa Cruz. I never knew it was a legal move.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iuylbew wrote

It's actually safer when not abused by the motorcycle and the car drivers are generally educated that motorcycles are allowed to do it, so they watch for it. It's legal in most of the EU and dare I say rest of the world.

Motorcycles accelerate faster from a stop, so rather than be stuck behind cars that can kill them, they can get away from them.


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuyv2hl wrote

Nice theory, at least. Having seen a sampling of them, driving conditions “in the rest of the world” are not my dream for the roads I share.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iuyyfoq wrote

Really? Because driving in the EU was a dream to me. The drivers there are much better than ours, if for no other reason than the greater requirements to attain a license.


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuz1hq4 wrote

I was talking about the rest of the rest of the world, generally, where lane splitting is the de facto law and chaos reigns. I’d be happy if we drove like Germans or, hell, even Brits.


PopBopMopCop t1_iuyv203 wrote

UC Berkeley did an interesting study on the safety of lane splitting a few years ago


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuz5sd2 wrote

“Can be” “relatively” safe if not done over 50 and not exceeding 15mph over the speed of general traffic. These are not the conditions under which I have witnessed most lane splitting.


kneel_yung t1_iuyhlan wrote

filtering is when traffic is stopped at red lights.

splitting is when traffic is moving.

California is the only state that allows lane splitting

its illegal because it pisses off drivers who are stuck in traffic and who dont want anyone else to be happy


sleevieb t1_iuyigh0 wrote

Splitting is passing slow traffic.

Filtering is passing stopped cars.


lunar_unit t1_iuyhqpr wrote

Lane splitting” refers to the practice of riding a motorcycle between clearly marked lanes for traffic traveling in the same direction. “Filtering”refers to the practice of riding a motorcycle between stopped motor vehicles to the front of the pack, typically at a signalized intersection.

Both are currently illegal in VA,traveling%20in%20the%20same%20direction.&text=%E2%80%9CFiltering%E2%80%9Drefers%20to%20the%20practice,typically%20at%20a%20signalized%20intersection.