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stormcloudbros t1_iw5bima wrote

It’s not stupid to step into a crosswalk though?


rva_hoo t1_iw5ue2t wrote

Without looking both ways, yes, it is.


Portmessexpress t1_iw5d8p3 wrote

It is if a car is coming at you 15 mph faster than the limit with no signs of slowing down, it's the city we live in, always assume the other person doesn't notice you


stormcloudbros t1_iw5de7t wrote

To be clear the driver going 15 mph is what we should be complaining about, not a person stepping into a crosswalk


Portmessexpress t1_iw5dkco wrote

The point is that it goes both ways, don't be a stupid driver and don't be a stupid pedestrian, or do whatever you want and get hit lol


stormcloudbros t1_iw5dsm5 wrote

The point is that it’s fucked up we scold a person for stepping into a crosswalk and throw our hands up at reckless drivers. Is that really how you want to live? There’s nothing funny about getting hit by a car.


Portmessexpress t1_iw5e8hp wrote

Lol go do what you want in the crosswalks, I personally will be waiting till there isn't a car coming because I know my body will lose that possible collision


stormcloudbros t1_iw5ekj6 wrote

And you keep going on Reddit and telling everyone to submit to cars because they rule the world. So awesome.


Gullible_Peach16 t1_iw6m3d8 wrote

I’ve seen people purposely step into the crosswalk as a car is speeding toward them. Obviously, the driver is wrong and the pedestrian is trying to prove a point, but at what cost?