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incorrigible_muffin t1_iy3hoq5 wrote

We early morning runners already have to deal with diminished mental capacity; why would you take away the only thing we have to look forward to at this time of year? Harumph.


Mentatminds t1_iy3iaoa wrote

Meh, you’ve got the natural light show each morning w the sun. harumph to light pollution.


needsexyboots t1_iy4a08n wrote

I get what you’re saying about light pollution but the sun isn’t up at 6am.


Mentatminds t1_iy4dyox wrote

Correct, but we can agree the suns light becomes visible ~ 1 hour before actual sunrise on the horizon??


needsexyboots t1_iy4h094 wrote

Nah, total pitch black then it’s thrown up into the sky like a ball.


Mentatminds t1_iy4m2sk wrote


But for real, thank you for that IRL belly laugh from imagining that scenario


needsexyboots t1_iy4s3yp wrote

It has been a MONDAY so knowing I made someone laugh is definitely an improvement!