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stabbitytuesday t1_iy3jtrb wrote

Where do people go these days to get interesting holiday decor ideas? I want to do a little something with our mantel since we don't have space for a tree, but pinterest is an ad-ridden horror show and everything I can find on instagram is so sterile and beige. I tried Southern Living's christmas issue too but they're really into fruit this year.


manyamile t1_iy3lh7k wrote

You could always go with a Buddy the Elf theme. Nothing sets the Christmas mood like a couple 2 liters of Coke, some maple syrup, a bowl of spaghetti, and some tinsel on the mantle.


puppyciao t1_iy3lqsn wrote

I like getting loose sprigs at Great Big Greenhouse to make a garland on the mantle. I usually dehydrate orange slices and tuck them around.


puzzledsushi t1_iy3wqua wrote

I found Facebook decor groups that match my interests. I’m a maximalist at heart (after lying to myself for years that I’m a minimalist because I don’t like clutter) and I’m in a group called Moody Maximalism that kind of spans the spectrum of interpretations of “maximalism.” I get my decor ideas from the subset of posts there that speak to me. This time of year a lot of people are posting their Christmas decor setups.

I have also seen some good stuff on r/AmateurRoomPorn and r/femalelivingspace, and a lot of the content there is decidedly not-beige.