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ChuckBS t1_iy39fgw wrote

Nope, and we don’t have much to put up really. My neighbor is all decked out though, and their house looks lovely.

Should be a busy, interesting day. I’ve got a fairly important call this morning, and this afternoon the electrician is coming to move an outlet in advance of some closet renovations and wardrobe construction on Wednesday. Lots of stuff happening!


Arcangelathanos t1_iy39fn6 wrote

Silly OP. Putting up decor is allowed on Black Friday so of course the Christmasification of the house has begun.


airquotesNotAtWork t1_iy3a1l6 wrote

Rsv has been running through the house so no family thanksgiving. To placate the kids we’ve put up most of our Christmas stuff. We’ve got enough lights on the tree this year to be seen from space!


ifweweresharks t1_iy3af1r wrote

It went up a couple weeks ago, because Christmas was supposed to be on thanksgiving. Covid made sure we got neither.


kegel_monster t1_iy3afyz wrote

I’m single, live alone and don’t wanna spend the money or decorate for Christmas. The holiday is fine, just hate the idea of buying and hoarding stuff just to use once a year for a month.


BobbyFuckingB t1_iy3apqn wrote

7 am flight out of RIC tomorrow. I don’t have precheck, but I don’t have any checked bags. How early should I get there? 45 minutes?


Mentatminds t1_iy3arhw wrote

Please put your lights in timers. No ones looking at decor between ~12AM - 6AM


JDnice804 t1_iy3ay6l wrote

I put my tree up about 2 weeks ago. I needed some joy.


TheCheeseDevil t1_iy3c9ly wrote

Grabbing a tree after work today, can't wait.

Are there any local shops where I could find something like, kids bows? my friend's 6 year old asked for rainbow bow barrettes for her hair and I'm trying not to just cave and order some from amazon. I have no idea where to shop for kids stuff. Claire's maybe?


Swrdmn t1_iy3cctt wrote

101.4 fever… think I’ll just stay in bed until new years


disputing_stomach t1_iy3dc2r wrote

Decorations went up on Saturday, except for the outside stuff. I was going to do that yesterday, but rain and life got in the way. So outside decor will have to wait until... not sure. Tomorrow? Maybe.


GaimanitePkat t1_iy3dhs2 wrote

I'm not decorating this year. Might get a string of lights for outside but no tree. I just don't have room right now.


geneb0322 t1_iy3ef9j wrote

The morning after Thanksgiving I was off of work so I asked my son "what do you want to do today?" after he woke up. His immediate response was "Now Christmas!" So, yes, our decorations are up. I still need to put the lights up outside, but almost everything is up inside.


balance07 t1_iy3f5rj wrote

put up the fake tree yesterday. ornaments go on today after the kids get home from school.


PayneTrainSG t1_iy3f7yl wrote

If I lived alone I think I would get a natural 4-5 ft tree and throw some lights and fun little knick knacks on it. Tree stand + whatever can fit in a shoebox that fits under my bed would be about my limit.

It gets so dark this time of year and I think my silly little brain finds comfort in the lights.


Kelevracado4287 t1_iy3g189 wrote

I still got my Halloween stuff up. Idk about Christmas stuff.

I gotta stop doing shots yall, always gets me saying dumb shit and making people uncomfortable.



GrayRVA t1_iy3h66y wrote

I’m a 9/10 on the Marie Kondo minimalism spectrum and almost threw away my Christmas tree last year. I’m sure u/I-got-a-truck was disappointed to be out of a gig when I realized I could use the top 1/3 of the tree as my entire holiday decor. I’m putting it up this week in time to host a party. Yay!

Edit to add: Life pro tip.- medals from running races make excellent ornaments. If you’re like me, they sit in a box for 11 months a year.


foxcat505 t1_iy3hlru wrote

I have a small apt and just got a Norfolk Pine - I am always amazed at how many decorations people hoard! My little tree will stay up all year and the little decorations fit in a small water bottle box.


Stitchmond t1_iy3hx03 wrote

I gotta find the Festivus pole somewhere in the basement, and once it's up, I have to start the Airing of Greivances now rather than on the traditional Day of Festivus because if I don't I won't get through them all. I got a lot of problems with you people!


McFlare92 t1_iy3i1en wrote

So my sickness has finally started to abate, but last night I ended up so severely dehydrated that my arms and legs were numb and my hands were spasming (couldn't keep them open). I, being an anxious person called for an ambulance and when the EMTs showed up they told me all the hospitals were full. Fortunately by then I had been drinking some water and regaining my faculties. However, it's really concerning that we have no capacity at hospitals seemingly ever. The system is so broken. I got lucky and stayed home, but still. Very worrying


McFlare92 t1_iy3i3l7 wrote

I was so dehydrated from being sick last night that my muscles were spasming and my face was numb. Make sure you drink fluids even if you're not thirsty! Not drinking nearly did me in


Some_Historian_679 t1_iy3j676 wrote

We got a big chonky tree yesterday!! So excited to decorate tomorrow 🥳🎄


stabbitytuesday t1_iy3jtrb wrote

Where do people go these days to get interesting holiday decor ideas? I want to do a little something with our mantel since we don't have space for a tree, but pinterest is an ad-ridden horror show and everything I can find on instagram is so sterile and beige. I tried Southern Living's christmas issue too but they're really into fruit this year.


Normal-Location t1_iy3k8ig wrote

very tempted to put in my two weeks notice at my current job.. i’m scared to because i don’t have anything lined up for after but it’s so bad on my mental health


bacon0927 t1_iy3kdz5 wrote

We put up a reduced amount of decorations this year. I'll be 36 weeks pregnant around New Year's and had to decide what was straightforward enough for my husband to repack because I certainly won't be doing it.

This is our first year with a fireplace though, so decorating the mantle and hanging stockings was a lot of fun!


Murky_Pack9675 t1_iy3kltp wrote

Any ideas for a super high ceiling apartment with one super high window and three cats (two are assholes who kill everything)? We have a rainbow Christmas tree that I put on the top of a bookshelf last year, but the assholes will attempt to scale that too. Thought about just stringing lights in a tree shape on the wall…


flirtyturtles t1_iy3kvjm wrote

I really love Christmas decor. My partner is very bah humbug. In order to compromise, we’ve put up all of our Christmas decor early.


PhoenixAshies t1_iy3lh1z wrote

Put a little tree in the bedroom last weekend, put the rest of everything up on Friday. Its not a whole lot (the apartment is only so big), but it's enough for the husband, the cat and me.

Dad starts cancer treatment today for the next 6 weeks, so I'm very much wanting comforting things surrounding me. Christmas lights help.


manyamile t1_iy3lh7k wrote

You could always go with a Buddy the Elf theme. Nothing sets the Christmas mood like a couple 2 liters of Coke, some maple syrup, a bowl of spaghetti, and some tinsel on the mantle.


rattylight t1_iy3llxz wrote

Ah, the time of year where all work just gets pushed to the next year.

Our Christmas decor is putting up a single felted snowman and one pink garland. Seems like a lot of work - might just skip this year lol.


rattylight t1_iy3m7ql wrote

Also - does anyone have a recommendation for a decent (maybe 5-6ft) fake tree? Under $200 if that's realistic? I haven't had a tree since I was a child and I don't know what good brands etc are and I trust you real people over Amazon reviews.


PayneTrainSG t1_iy3oxq4 wrote

Our Thanksgiving was Saturday. The adult kids stayed overnight and we sprinted on Sunday to get everything put up for our parents. 2 trees, the mantle, nativity scene, some holiday antiques, dining room table, and garland all pulled down, put up, and restored in the attic in a day. Somehow I had time left over for present wrapping and exam prep.


LikeAThermometer t1_iy3q3wq wrote

I did our outside decorations this weekend while the better half was out of town. The tree is currently up, and has a few ornaments on it so far, and a cat somewhere nearby eyeing it up intently.


Nothing2SeeHere4U t1_iy3qz22 wrote

It is time for my annual descent into grinchdom. I don't try to harsh anyone's vibe but if anyone needs me I'll be in my cave with my dog



Normal-Location t1_iy3t6mb wrote

i really want to, i believe that it would make me feel so much better. but right now i have to choose between financial stability and my mental well-being.. it’s a shitty situation to be in


Vajama77 t1_iy3vlxs wrote

My cats make it impossible. Can't have a tree, nothing that dangles, etc.


never_graduating t1_iy3vqjs wrote

I didn’t get around to taking the Christmas lights and garland off of the banister last year. At 1st I was a little ashamed. And then I realized it’s kinda nice to be able to plug those lights in for some nice ambiance throughout the year.


puzzledsushi t1_iy3vw0x wrote

Same, mostly. I have a small retro ceramic tree that I put up after Halloween. It’s nostalgic, brings me joy, and fits in a compact box in my closet. It’s really the only holiday decoration I have because I don’t like storing things I only use once a year.


puzzledsushi t1_iy3wqua wrote

I found Facebook decor groups that match my interests. I’m a maximalist at heart (after lying to myself for years that I’m a minimalist because I don’t like clutter) and I’m in a group called Moody Maximalism that kind of spans the spectrum of interpretations of “maximalism.” I get my decor ideas from the subset of posts there that speak to me. This time of year a lot of people are posting their Christmas decor setups.

I have also seen some good stuff on r/AmateurRoomPorn and r/femalelivingspace, and a lot of the content there is decidedly not-beige.


GrayRVA t1_iy3xcy6 wrote

Right?! It’s not like I’m going to display those suckers in my house because frankly I’m a terrible runner. At least when they’re on a tree I can be like “did you see the super cute ornament next to the marathon medal?” in the event someone asks about my time.


I_Got_A_Truck t1_iy40mcw wrote

Wife started taking down fall decor. Christmas may be put up by the weekend.

I looked at my PTO and found out that I have 7.5 days I need to take off this next month. So...just about every weekend in December is a 4 or 5 day weekend!


Major-Cow8948 t1_iy49txc wrote

being unemployed during the holidays is everyone going through the same..Keep going!


RVAWTFBBQ t1_iy4asba wrote

>i really want to, i believe that it would make me feel so much better. but right now i have to choose between financial stability and my mental well-being.. it’s a shitty situation to be in

Was in the same boat a little over a year ago, left a terrible job at a toxic work environment (employer's name rhymed with BloStar) with nothing lined up. It took me 4 months of searching, but I'm now infinitely happier, have much greater flexibility, better pay, more engagement, yadda yadda. Not everyone can afford to go without a paycheck for 4 months, so YMMV. If I had to do it over, I would have put more effort into jobhunting while at my previous employer, but I just didn't have the emotional energy.


DeannaZone t1_iy4lcmj wrote

I hope you feel better!
I had stomach issues leading up to Thanksgiving, so barely ate, those finally went away, but I have had a headache and backache and fatigued since Saturday night, pretty sure it is a cold. But just glad we did not go out and we stayed home, so far hubby and kiddo are alright.