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never_graduating t1_ivzfufn wrote

In Mechanicsville. I’ve been hearing consistent rumbling. Phone isn’t going off to warn me though. Wondering if I should pack kiddo and dogs into the basement yet


wowthatsawful t1_ivzgnk5 wrote

The 2nd storm is more concerning according NBC12 and they definitely said Mechanicsville folks should get to their shelter in place.


Lollicupcake t1_ivzhv83 wrote

I have no interior rooms. Really didn’t think it through when we built our house


FalloutRip t1_ivzgcp1 wrote

Definitely get to it now. First storm seems to have passed, but a second is coming up 95 north northeast towards the east end/ Mechanicsville area.


PercyDovetonsils t1_ivzgfb5 wrote

We've been kind of in a slot between the storms, but our phone alarms have been driving the dog nuts.