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bird_bitch t1_ivzb6bk wrote

There go the VCU sirens…


RammmITTT t1_ivz8hjl wrote

Richmond metro, 2 overlapping tornado warnings, signs of rotation, no confirmed sightings. "2 confirmed storms have their sights right into Metro Richmond", NBC12 just now 139pm.


fusion260 t1_ivzaouo wrote

Hearing consistent rumbling south/southwest of us in Lakeside 😬 Have the cat carrier out and shoes on just in case we need to run to the basement (which only has an exterior entrance)!


TheMFGrinch t1_ivzbiam wrote

I always curse myself for not having a basement during these times, next house a basement/bunker is a must


bushydendrites t1_ivzclta wrote

I have a big crawlspace but have not gotten down there yet even though we have been under a warning for 40 mins now.

Toddler and dog and spooky crawlspace is real last minute stuff. I have toys and water and snacks in the windowless bathroom though.


FalloutRip t1_ivzkxsy wrote

This one is what made me start looking up the cost of pre-made shelters and bunkers. Surprisingly a lot of options between $5-10k. Might be a long-term project to add to the back yard.


TheMFGrinch t1_ivzl339 wrote

Wow, not bad. I thought that they would cost way more, I’ll definitely look into that. Thank you


PercyDovetonsils t1_ivzc617 wrote

First storm just passed a couple of miles west of us. Second one is teeing up now. Headed north-northeast generally toward Mechanicsville.


never_graduating t1_ivzfufn wrote

In Mechanicsville. I’ve been hearing consistent rumbling. Phone isn’t going off to warn me though. Wondering if I should pack kiddo and dogs into the basement yet


wowthatsawful t1_ivzgnk5 wrote

The 2nd storm is more concerning according NBC12 and they definitely said Mechanicsville folks should get to their shelter in place.


Lollicupcake t1_ivzhv83 wrote

I have no interior rooms. Really didn’t think it through when we built our house


FalloutRip t1_ivzgcp1 wrote

Definitely get to it now. First storm seems to have passed, but a second is coming up 95 north northeast towards the east end/ Mechanicsville area.


PercyDovetonsils t1_ivzgfb5 wrote

We've been kind of in a slot between the storms, but our phone alarms have been driving the dog nuts.


RammmITTT t1_ivza3mg wrote

1st storm, 2:06pm Rva metro.


RulerOfTheRest t1_ivzk3kz wrote

Today was defiantly a good day to work from home instead of in my office by the VCU medical campus. I pulled up my webcam on my work desktop and could see the rain and wind pounding the window that's behind where I sit...


ActuallyAMenace t1_ivzb6qz wrote

Just started rumbling with some impressive lightning over in Hanover


rolieepoliees t1_ivzd7m4 wrote

Have been hearing thunder in Montrose for about a half hour now


RammmITTT t1_ivzgcoq wrote

Second alerts issued to metro. LOOK to be (nbc12) traveling in the same path which is just to the east of the metro. Not definitive, but this is packing more of a punch, not on the ground yet, but according to nbc12 could at any second. ETA 245pm or before. First warning expired now.


robsterva t1_ivzn6ec wrote

I got to spend a quality hour in a stairwell with my co-workers downtown.

Fortunately, most of our floor is working from home. :)