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TDIMike t1_iwg5zzv wrote

You guys are soft. Go for a drive through Boston sometime and you'll be shaking the hand of every driver south of the Mason Dixon line.


needsexyboots t1_iwg7l4t wrote

Boston drivers are aggressive but predictable - they have somewhere to be but they know what they’re doing. I’ve never encountered as many oblivious drivers anywhere else as I have here.


HopocalypseNow t1_iwhh9gs wrote

Seconded. They know the rules, and consciously disregard them. Here (and more so SC) no one even knows the laws they are breaking.


TDIMike t1_iwg7v1n wrote

Lol. Predictable.


needsexyboots t1_iwgl54f wrote

I would much rather deal with Boston or even Houston drivers than some of the crap I see in RVA


jodyhighrola t1_iwgqmyi wrote

Oh man, Houston drivers are wild. Distracted, speeding, and the swangers with rims wider than broad street. Can't forget the Texas Edition pickups that look like toddler toys.