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TheTariffof19892 t1_iwg2ee2 wrote

The same driver should note: 3 inches isnt a safe following distance. I didnt brake check you, i simply braked for the red light you didnt see because your head was so far up my ass


Mentatminds t1_iwg5us4 wrote

  • one more note to said driver - stop making illegal U Turns at any given intersection. You’re turn signal indicates a left or right turn. Not a 180°. So close to T boning you

TDIMike t1_iwg5zzv wrote

You guys are soft. Go for a drive through Boston sometime and you'll be shaking the hand of every driver south of the Mason Dixon line.


Chickenmoons t1_iwg6gqn wrote

Crowding the median is fine. Get over it.


needsexyboots t1_iwg7l4t wrote

Boston drivers are aggressive but predictable - they have somewhere to be but they know what they’re doing. I’ve never encountered as many oblivious drivers anywhere else as I have here.


sleevieb t1_iwgieon wrote

Don’t nova my RVA but a couple Marylanders in town could really show everyone a thing or two about skillless, oblivious decision making behind the wheel.


tigranes5 t1_iwgp1w4 wrote

Did someone hold a gun to your head and force you to move here?
