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Illuvatar_CS t1_ix7s811 wrote

What’s your opinion of Goose? Here’s my curmudgeon take - they are great and everything, but I’m sad to see Trey go on tour with such a young new band, while Umphreys, moe., Panic, Aqueous, etc. have been putting in the work for years, and Goose sucks up all the air in the room somehow. Idk, they don’t do it for me, although you’d have to be a special kind of ignorant not to realize they are pretty talented.


redditpossible t1_ix891ev wrote

They have always sounded like the product of a Berkelee School of Music Jam Band Department to me.

They’ve got a lot of people excited about their music, though, so they are doing something right.


RufuMahli t1_ix7wk8s wrote

I think Goose has a uniqueness and hip vibe that is transcending the jam scene. The biggest thing to me though is Rick can sing! Same with Billy Strings. Both aren’t bad on the eyes either! Lol. UM and the others you listed are all markedly worse singers than Phish or the Dead, both of which are not known for their singing abilities. Panic shouldn’t be lumped in with the others you listed, they are as big as they deserve to be. Large following, sell out areas regularly. Also, they have shared the stage with Phish, on Horde tour in ‘92.


Illuvatar_CS t1_ix7zfki wrote

That’s fair, I am underestimating how big Panic is and how often they sell out large venues. Also your point about the singing is very true. I like Bayliss’ voice a lot but it’s undeniable that Rick has a great voice


bmrobin t1_ix83v9d wrote

i like UM a lot but i haven’t enjoyed the last 3+ albums they’ve made. just seems so bland. yes their live shows are the real deal still but it seems like they’re just dialing it in until they get back on tour.


underwaterpizza t1_ix8mrlg wrote

Rick sounds like a less talented singer from a boy band. Nothing about his voice is “great”.

No character, the melodic lines are predictable and boring, but I guess he hits all the notes?

If I’m gonna listen to a jam band sing, I need something more interesting than milquetoast generic bleh.

If I wanted to listen to a good singer, I would listen to folk or jazz adjacent groups.


RelationMaleficent63 t1_ix7z3et wrote

After seeing them being hyped by everyone I checked them out. I listened to 'So Ready' and really enjoyed it but I tried to listen to some of their other stuff and it didn't click for me. Not a huge fan of their jams and the auto tune they like to use but to each their own.


steezasaurus_rex t1_ix8hzvp wrote

One of / if not, the best characters in Top Gun. His death scene still hits me right in the feels.